Chapter 3: Sleeping In The Same Bed

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You were nervous and didn't know what to say. The two of you were on your way to your house. It shouldn't take much longer to get there, and when you get there, this embarrassing silence will disappear, or at least you will be able to stay in a different room for a while till you can think of something not too stupid to say. But right now, all that was in your mind was G-Dragon, and you could not think about anything smart to say or ask. So, the silence just kept following you two, till suddenly-

"_____, hey!"

"Oh, hi!"

It was one of your classmates. He was the guy who thinks he is the most charming, and he certainly was. The two of you were good friends and most of the girls that fell for him, which were actually nearly every girl in the school, were jealous over you. Also, they were mean to you because of that.

"How are you doing?"

He asked politely and smiled at you. Not only was he pretty handsome, but also really tall, so he looked down at you as thought you were some dwarf. It made you feel uncomfortable every time he looked at you like that, but slowly you could get somehow used to it.

At least, the silence is gone now.

You thought and had a little chat with your friend, till he asked something you hoped for him not ask about.

"So, who is this guy?"

Pointing his finger at GD, your friend looked at him as if they were enemies. His oh-so-cheerful-and-charming look turned into dead glare. Why? Who knows. Also, the tone of his voice seemed to darken somehow.

"He is just a friend."

You came out with a little lie. You didn't want to lie to him, but there was no other way as to explain this situation. After that, the little chat continued but he still looked somewhat angry, sending more and more glares towards GD, who was silently standing next to you.


"My god, finally!"

And there you were, in front of your house. It didn't look like a house of a rich family, but it wasn't a poor one either. It was actually pretty comfortable inside and you could not think of a better house, because you had everything you needed here. Also, all that really matters is that mom is here with you. Your parents got divorced and you don't have any siblings, and because your mom stays at the house of her friend who lives near the place where mother lives, you are most of the time home alone. But it doesn't bother you. You are used to it, and you like how calm it is when you are alone. You can concentrate on thinking and anything else better than in school or outside. The only thing that was sometimes bothering you about being alone was that you had no one to talk to when it was holiday for you, yet your mom still had to go to work. Lonely, without anyone. Now, it will be different. Every time you'll come back from school, he will be here, waiting for you to return.

"Sorry, it's nothing special but I hope it will be acceptable for you to stay for the time you need to, G-Dragon."

You said after getting into the house. It was warm inside, and the familiar smell of your home made you calm your heart. Finally, a sentence that was not totally idiotic.

"You know, I would feel better if you would just call me Ji, not G-Dragon!"

That kind smile again.

I thought he would be like a spoiled person who only talks to celebrities, but i was totally wrong! He is such a nice guy. When he smiles like that, it just makes my heart melt.

"Ok, I'll show you around. Now, please follow me."


Finally finished it! Yes!

You were shoving your new guest around your house, and told him where everything is. Now, the only problem was...where the heck will he sleep? He can't sleep on the floor. No way you would let that happen! For the G-Dragon to sleep on the floor...nonsense! But there is only one bed. Because mom is so often away, we got rid of her bed and when she's home, she sleeps on the sofa. But then again, where will he sleep?

"What are you thinking about?"

You jumped, surprised that someone approached you since you lived alone for so long, this was something you could never get used to.

"Oh, G-drago...I mean Ji! You scared me!

"haha...Sorry, sorry!"

He laughed so innocently. Like a little angel without his wings. Or maybe he had them, you just couldn't see them. Who knows.

"Well, I was thinking about where you should sleep...I think I will sleep on the sofa from now on and you will use my bed. Is that all right?"

I looked at him.

Wow. Now that I see his face up this close, Damn!! He's handsome! It's a good thing that he would have to cover his face most of the time so that no one would recognize him, because if I would have to look at that face from the morning till the bed time...well, I don't even want to know what I would do.

But it seemed that while you were admiring his beauty, a look of angriness and discomfort mixed together formed on his face.

"This is definitely not alright with me."

He said, with a sharp voice.

Yeah, well I don't have any other ideas then, if you don't like this one!

You pouted and hung your head, so he won't see. Ji than continued his screed...

"Did you really thought I would be ok with something like this?"

Yeah? Well then do you have any better idea, smart boy?

Still pouting, you listened to him till hearing this one sentence, which really confused you.

"Do you think I would be ok with letting a pretty girl sleep on the sofa for so many nights? No way! If you have nowhere else to sleep, then we can sleep in the same bed, right?"


You looked at him, feeling your cheeks were turning pink and your whole face started to burn.

What, what, what?! What was that just now? Did he...did he call me pretty? My god! And he even said we can sleep in the same bed! Calm down...calm down...

"...haha.... hahahahaha"

He started laughing. What a jerk he is, this is just too embarrassing!

"Well then, if you don't wanna sleep together, then I'm the one sleeping on the sofa!"

He said playfully, as if predicting that you would say what you said.

"Hey, i can't allow that! Jeez, ok...we will sleep in the same bed."

You turned away, your whole face was now red from the embarrassment. You stormed out of the room where you were currently in (It was the living room) and to you room, where you started calming your heart. It was beating so fast, you were afraid it would jump out of your chest.

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