Inverted Purple

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She should be here by now, she should have seen my note, she's never late, it's almost midnight. Stop being so dramatically late Arty. The singing of an arrow relieves my nerves and she swings in through my open window.

"What took you so long, it was getting drafty." I point to the wet spot under the window from the rain and she closes it and locks it in place.

"Sorry Ash, didn't mean to leave you out to dry." I raise my eyebrows at the pun.

"Someone's been hanging out with 'The Wall-man'." The name he first told her and the one she found utterly and completely ridiculous.

"Can't lie, he's grown on me." I smirk at this and sit on the edge of my bed.

"So, down to business, I haven't seen you for a while, any new info or toys?" Particularly the toys.

"Well, Nightwing's found his way to Blüdhaven, I think he's trying to track where I go for Wally, so I can't stay for long, only long enough to give you these." She hands me a fanny pack and goes to open the window again, so that explains why he found my hideout

"I'll miss you Arty." She looks back with a bit of a sad smile and makes a call me sign. She unlocks the window, opens it, and jumps out after shooting an arrow off into the distance. I look down at the black bag, and realize that the bag itself is a piece of art. Opening it with a pull on one of it's two zippers, I see a note that says the bag is made of a water-proof material that lines lead so that no one can use their X-Ray vision to peek at it's contents. I guess she thinks I'll be put in a situation that may call for this.

There's also a 4 inch Kris knife, in a sheath, that Red Hood would be jealous of, a grappling hook that suspiciously looks like batman's, a domino mask that will be perfect instead of a bandanna, and a touch screen phone that looks as if not even the dark knight himself could hack into it. More or less any of his Robins. Speaking of Jason, I probably shouldn't go on any more "missions" with him. We've already had too close of an encounter with Nightwing once, and if the blue bird saw my drab clothes and small figure then, he'll know I was working with Red now. Plus, Jay's started hanging out with Dick more as the prodigal son grows closer with the people who I went so far to hide from.

I rummage around the bag until I reach the phone and open it to find so many contacts, Arty's already texted me. "If you text anyone, this phone's number is untraceable and your number will pop up as unknown."

Awe, she's such a good friend. I text back a quick 'thanks' and continue to look through the numerous contacts. Many are Justice League members, there's a very small amount of mercenaries, mainly her sister, Red Hood, and his outlaws. She's probably trying to protect me from anyone else. As I pass that section, the Young Justice team pops up. There's Aqualad, then Batgirl, Bumblebee, suddenly Nightwing's name pops up at the bottom of the screen, causing me to quickly inhale and choke on some saliva. I cough roughly and try to get that uncomfortable feeling out of my throat. My finger hovers over his name, that thing that can't help but entrap itself in me. Not wanting to think it through, to think over the consequences, I tap it and type out a message. Then send.

"I know who you are Nightwing." No. What did I just do? I throw the phone in my bag and quickly leave the room with it clipped to my waist. Why am I so impulsive? I'm not trying to seem like a threat, it was just a joke, well not really since I actually do know who he is. My hand rubs my forehead as I rush down the wooden steps to the bar below.

"How was your st-" I cut the woman off with my money thrust forward.

"It was wonderful, have a nice night!" Her surprise makes me chuckle in a nervous manner and I turn to walk out.

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