Life and Death

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I'd never really understood love. It comes, it goes. How does one determine the sincerity behind 'I love you?' One day, a person can look at you and say they love you, and the next they're behind the bleachers kissing someone hotter than you could ever be. Why must the world be so cruel and send all the pain my way? Nothing had ever hurt more than watching my boyfriend kissing another man.

Of course, I didn't know if this could actually help anything. Wallowing in self-pity, ignoring my friends, and holding myself in my bedroom while I hear everyone's persistent, (and evidently ineffective,) attempts to coax me out and cheer me up. 

Life for me had never been smooth sailing, but why did the one thing I used as an anchor have to sink? Blaine and I had been doing so well, so what did I do to make him kiss that Sebastian guy? Lying here now, with nothing but my thoughts and the slow drip of tears down my face, I can only think of one reason; he didn't love me anymore and didn't want to hurt me. Oh, who am I kidding? He probably was sick and tired of my complete and utter lack of sex appeal, and my tiering need for romance that kept me a virgin and our hands north of the equator during any kissing. God, why did I have to be such a prude? Now I've lost the love of my life.

"Kurt? Carol and I are going to go out... there's spaghetti in the fridge if you get hungry." All dad got in response was a small 'okay,' and with a sigh, he retreats from my door. A few moments later I hear the door shut and the house is filled with silence, apart from my gentle sobs. Finally, I realize how pathetic this scene would look to anyone other than myself. Blaine is probably out with Sebastian while I cry my heart out. I stand up and head downstairs, knowing Finn was with Rachel so I'm alone, and stumble into the kitchen. Without any thought I walk over to the fridge, pulling it open and grabbing the bottle of whiskey dad keeps back behind everything. He hadn't drunk from the bottle since marrying Carol, so I have no reason to believe he'll even notice.

I walk back to my room, and soon the bottle is gone while taking my mind along with it. Darkness starts to take over as I violently vomit up the whiskey that obviously didn't take well with my empty stomach. I blink away the dots threatening to pull me into sleep and rub my throbbing head as I pull myself to my feet. After opening my medicine cabinet, I grab my razor as well as my bottle of Aspirin before pulling my sleeves up to reveal the silver scars littering my alabaster skin. These marks represent every single word and phrase the bullies threw at me. Once I'd become true friends with Blaine, I stopped the cutting. But now, all I want to do is watch the red blood stain this pale white skin. 

And so it did.

The red blood drips down from the long, vertical lines slicing through my skin as I swallow a handful of pills, barely noticing the pain stinging. My sobs echo through the bathroom, and that's when I hear it. The desperate pounding on the front door, the sobbing voice of my one and only true love. It seems as if my sobs reach his ears because he was soon at my side, gasping at the sight of blood pooling around me as I lay on the floor of my bathroom. He looks almost as bad as I do... at least I think he does. My vision is blurring and before I know it, the darkness finally pulls me into its grasp.

Beep. Beep. Beep. Uncontrolled sobbing. This was all I can hear when I slowly awake from a hazy dream, feeling absolutely drained and tired even though I've just awoken. I groan in pain, feeling my head pound and my stomach churn. The sobs cease and suddenly you could hear a pin drop.

"Kurt? Are you awake?" Comes a soft, cracked, and pained voice from my side. My eyes open before snapping shut again from the bright lights.

"L-lights... t-too bright..." I croak, and Blaine quickly gets up to shut the lights off.

"There, you should be able to open your eyes... Do you need some water?" My eyes flutter open and I nod slightly. He rushes over to the pitcher set on a nearby table and pours me a cup. He brings it to my lips after insisting I don't sit up, nursing it into my mouth. Once the cup is empty, I smile thankfully.

"Why are you here, Blaine? I thought you were done with me." I mutter, my eyes watering at the thought of him kissing Sebastian. 

"No, no. Never, Kurt. He forced himself on me. I didn't want to kiss him, but he caught me by surprise. Please, you have to believe me." He starts crying, head in his hands and that's when I see it. The dark circles under his eyes, the slight color difference in his skin tone, and the way he's dropped at least five pounds. His eyes meet mine and it clicks; the pure desperation in those eyes can't be faked with any amount of star quality.

"Oh... Blaine... I love you so much."

"I love you more than you'll ever know."

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