Flare vs kitkat

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I woke up stretching out and looking around I saw a strange man an out of nowhere ran toward him hissing until mrs sanders picked me up started petting me and said "this is the man who will be working on the door and looking after you you silly cat now be good while I'm gone I meow and she smiled I was satisfied that I made another happy at first I hated mrs sanders but ever since she found her boyfriend cheating on her she's been down lately and also both KitKat and flare have been staring at each other with the stink eye

A few minutes after he was done with the small door and fell asleep I went to check where flare and KitKat but then I heard hiss growl scratch I ran over to where the noise was coming from I heard whimpers and started running I found a bleeding flare and KitKat I ran back bit the guy until he chased me led him to the hurt pets he fixed them up and I watched them sleep just a little near each other with a purr of satisfaction I went through the cat door to find a wolf she walked through the fence chasing me until the human had opened the door to walk KitKat as she ran in I heard her whimper oh no not another human

Cookie Catt the story of a kitnaped mefwaWhere stories live. Discover now