Tiny the wolf

21 1 5

With her tail between her legs I saw flare come out the masters bedroom limping then I saw KitKat walk in from the kitchen then I saw kitkats eyes lit up and if I looked closely you could see him blushing I smiled slightly tiny also smiled slightly then she yelled in a joyful tone KitKat! Wait why aren't you in the wolf pack a woman captured me and then put a shock collar on me I couldn't escape then the guy saw tiny and screamed takling her she bit him ripped the collar off KitKat and ran out of the dog door but before he left he said " bye cookie bye flare" then ran away but he did it before I could say bye so I just whispered it but then I heard flare yowl YES YES YES YES HES GONE I HATED HIM she went on and on and on about how much she hated him and the more I thought the more I realized I loved him this will hurt my relationship with love having my first crush then someone Taking him away from me this will crush me buts it's for the better you when ever I love the get hurt so..many..things..got..hurt..because..of..me

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