*~CHAPTER 1: V.A.G.~*

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*Hello back in it again so hope you enjoy X3
SONG BY: Die/May
Locus's time with the Reds and Blues after their accusation was going good well sort off. He stayed away from them best he can when they got back to their base especially from Grif since he was considered his partner now and that annoyed him to no end.

Only one that decided to check on him was David Washington. The former Freelancer observe the other to the point it almost grown as an obsession on the male for the former enemy.

The former mercenary felt a faint headache he hide it well but not from David.

The Reds and Blues were having fun Donut managed to dragged Carolina out for some dancing, how he did it exactly no one had a damn clue.

Locus observed from afar when he slightly groan in pain because of the headache in his head.

" Locus you okay man?" Washington asked when he came drinking mango juice and with a worry expression on his freckled face.

The other male look at him and answers, tone slightly in pain," I'm good Washington"  that did not convinced the blond

David sat down beside him and added," you know you can tell me you been like this since you decided being with us",

The former mercenary look at the fire that he did in his alone time before replying," I do not know if I can it is something they did they told me to stay silent..." he looked at his hand as it began to trembled.

David sees it and lay a hand on Locus's shoulder," I'm always here we are always here please do not think otherwise".

The silence grew for a moment between the two

" thank you...David," Locus answers breaking the silence it was rare for him to call Washington by his first name unless is important like now," I will..keep that in mind", he added

David smiles slightly," I'm glad now Whenever you ready to come back inside the base and have fun we are there," he then stood up from the log he was sitting on with Locus.

" alright I see you inside David," The other says letting it slip some hidden emotions that David didn't catch much when he left.

Locus watched him go as he remembered a dream he had from what happened in Staff of Charon. He did not want to remember but some other side was wanting to.

The male decided to go to his ship that was parked nearby to sleep in not noticing Wash was observing at the entrance of the base.

' I will never leave you Locus that I promise you,'  David thought to himself

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter ^^
Advice is welcome
And ideas is also welcome

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