Author's note

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Here it is: my version of the upcoming and highly anticipated DCTV crossover.

I just wanted to let you guys know that even if usually I post everything when I'm done writing at least, this time this won't be possible. I want to start posting now so when the crossover airs, it doesn't affect the progress of my story. 

Also... In my country, I am a dancer and I also organize events... I have a big one in two weeks, so things are a bit crazy here with rehearsals and getting everything done in time. Also have a few upcoming shows to do, so for that reason I won't be able to update like everyday or something like that. But, I will do my best to not take long. I have everything mapped out so it's a matter of turning those topics into chapters.

Hope u guys like this story, and yes... It's a kariver one as well. It's fanfiction, why not play with possibilities? I still have my canon shipps on Arrowverse and still love them btw.

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