Chapter 1

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Earth 38

It was around 8 o'clock, the night sky so clean people could see its stars. Kara Danvers was pacing around her apartment in excitement. She tried different outfits, looking herself in the mirror and trying to decide if it was better if she wore a long feet red dress, a knee-length blue or pink one. She had her hair curled and loosen up and her fake glasses on. She decided to go for the light pink one. It was knee length, full of lacy details all over it and had short sleeves. A small silver bracelet was on her right wrist and she looked satisfied at the mirror. The front door opened and Alex came in, looking in a funny way to her sister.

- Are you going somewhere?

- Iris and Barry's wedding is tomorrow... Remember? – Kara added as she noticed the look in Alex's face, like she was lost or something. – I'm trying some outfits...

- Hm... Oh, your friends from another universe?

- Another Earth, yes!

- You say it like it was a normal thing... - Alex said as she sat in the couch. She still couldn't wrap her head around it, and she was used to weird things in life.

- You do remember they saved me when Music Meister attacked, right?

- I do... And I'm grateful you have such amazing friends... Is just that... Is hard to take that there are hundreds of another Earths, maybe with versions of ourselves in each one of them, maybe not all of them good... Is weird...

- You get used to it... By the way, you are coming with me, aren't you? You are my plus one.

- No way Kara, sorry but... I'm not ready... - Alex said as she lowered her head thinking about a few weeks ago when her own engagement ended in such a hurtful way.

Kara looked at Alex and sat beside her, taking her right hand on hers and caressing it.

- When I was depressed about Mon El and wanting to be away from everyone, you were the one that lifted me up, and made me see things clearly. I know that you are still hurt about Maggie...

- I'm not in the mood for a wedding when my own fell apart before it happened.

- I know... But I think you need, and deserve a break. Some fresh air. And you will love them.

- Are you sure I will?

- Yes, because they have this amazing team of super heroes, with so many cool abilities. Some of them time travels, how cool is that? – Kara said in excitement as she noticed a smile forming in Alex's lips.

- Yeah...It's kinda cool...

- To meet new people, to get away for a while and be in another Earth, I think it will do you some good... Please, come?

Alex thought for a while, lowering her head and analyzing her options. Yes, it was true that she needed some fresh air, and meet new people. It was refreshing to think about it. She could go and try it or be alone in her apartment still thinking about her ex.

- Ok, I will... - Alex said being interrupted by a very excited Kara jumping above her and giving her a tight hug.

- YAY!

- I need to go home, pick some stuff and find a dress...

- No worries there. I picked up a dress for you.

- What?

Alex looked surprised as Kara ran to her room and came back with a greyish knee-length dress with stained print and its top in a transparent black fabric and black stripes on its sides.

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