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Jimin's POV

School in Aus was awesome! At first I wasn't sure I'd fit in but thanks to Y/n, Rosa and Logan, life is amazing. They're all so amazing and friendly, even Logan started dating Chanyeol. In my opinion, not the smartest thing but... heck I'm happy!! But, for the last month or so I've been feeling weird around Y/n. I've begun to look at her in ways a friend shouldn't. But I guess being really close to a girl like her for two thirds of the year will have someone like me falling head over heels for them. I've spoken to Chanyeol about it and he has confirmed my thoughts. I was now currently on a group Skype call with Jin, Yoongi, Hobi, Namjoon, Tae and Kookie.

"So do you like anyone??" Jin laughed over the group Skype call.

"N-nope," I reply.

"Liar," everyone yelled.

"I'm serious!" I state firmly.

"Hmm, whatever," Jin sighed. There was a knock at the door and Chanyeol stuck his head in. "Yo bro the girlies are here," he says before shutting the door.

"Crap," I state, forgetting about Y/n and Logan showing up today. There was another knock at the door.

"Come in!" I yell. The door opened, revealing Y/n. "Hey, you're brother and Logan are going out so we've got the Xbox to ourselves," Y/n smiles.

"Oh who is she?" Taehyung immediately straightens up.

"Is that them?" Y/n asks, squishing next to me on the seat. I nod.

"Annyeong!" she smiles.

"ANNYEONG!" they cry back, causing us to laugh.

"Is noona your girlfriend?" Jungkook asks. I choke.

"No, no, no, no!!" I stutter. I turn to Y/n and notice she too was shocked.

"Jimin is my best friend, we could never be more than that," she states.

"Ouch, friend zoned Jimin," Hobi laughed.

"Shut up, I don't even like her," I replied, ending the Skype call.

"Xbox?" I ask.

"Xbox," Y/n nods.

Y/n's POV

"So, is Chanyeol doing anything for graduation?" I asked Jimin when we got into the game room.

"What do you mean?" Jimin replied.

"Like is he throwing a party?" I specify. Jimin just shrugs. "Maybe," he starts.

"Are you talking about Chanyeol's graduation?" Mrs Park walks in, holding snacks.

"Yeah," I reply.

"How come he gets to finish school a whole term before us?" Jimin questions.

"For exams, the whole last term for 12th grade are exams. But because Chanyeol won't be sitting them, he'll be helping Mrs Dayem and I with Korean classes," Mrs Park explains.

"Oh, okay," Jimin answers, "is he throwing a party?"

"Yes, I believe he was inviting all of his year 12 friends. Of course Logan, Y/n and Rosa are invited," Mrs Park explains.

"Nice, but parties aren't exactly our thing..." I began.

"But you'll come, won't you?" Jimin begged, doing puppy dog eyes.

"Not the eyes, not the aegyo," I frown.

"Please~~" he continues.

"Oh fine," I sigh in defeat, "Rosa I know for a fact won't go. She doesn't like parties with 12th graders. Or the whole year group as a matter of fact."

"Oh, too bad..." Mrs Park sighs, walking out of the room.

"So what game?" Jimin asks.

"Duh, Call of Duty like always," I reply, "I thought you knew me well." Jimin laughs, putting in the game disc. "I do. Like, I know the reason you only want to play this is to eventually shoot a chicken," he smiled and I laughed, nodding. We began the game, playing player vs player at first, until Jimin started whining about always dying first. So we then switched it, so it was teamwork. We continuously got to the 7th wave and then failed.

The pizza and chips were nice, put after eating we felt like watching a movie. We put on the Avengers, watching in enjoyment. It wasn't until halfway through the movie I realised the position in which Jimin and I were sitting. His arms were wrapped around me, and I was lying against him. He began laughing at something, his body shaking mine. I looked up at him, seeing how genuinely happy he was.

I wish we could be more than just friends... I thought. But then, my recent conversation with Rosa sprung back into my head.

I sat beside Rosa as our substitute art teacher rambled on about something useless. "I can't believe Chanyeol and Logan are together..." she stated.

"Really? I think they're cute together. Chanyeol's weirdness complements Logan's heartlessness," I giggle.

"No, I mean, doesn't she realise how badly this could end," Rosa sighed.

"What do you mean Ro?" I ask.

"Well, Chanyeol and Jimin are only exchange students, so presumably they'll be returning to Seoul after the year finishes. So of Logan grows to attached to Chanyeol, she might be seriously hurt about his departure. And that's the same with you and Jimin," Rosa explains.

"But Jimin and I aren't dating..." I correct.

"Yes I know that Y/n, but seeing the way you two look at each other...you care for the other a lot. I just don't want you to be hurt. Especially when there's the chance they'll forget you in a year's time..."

"Geez Ro, you're such a pessimist now," I giggle but understand where she's coming from. What if Jimin were to forget about me, I'd be heartbroken.

"Y/n, are you okay?" Jimin's voice brought me out of my thoughts. I nod, looking away from him. His arms wrap around me in a back hug.

"I've known you for 6 months, tell me what's wrong," he whispers in my ear.

"Jimin I'm fine, seriously," I huff.

"Don't believe you," he states, burying his face into my neck. He lies back, pulling me back with him‍. "Argh let go," I mutter.

"No," he replied. I begin squirming until we both accidently fall off the sofa, Jimin landing on top of me. I blush at the close proximity of our faces.

"Sorry to interrupt," the sound of Mrs Park's voice was heard, "remember to use protection you two." At that Jimin and I blush a deep red and he springs up.

"Eomma! Aniyo! Nothing was happening!" He cries. "I'm sorry about that, that was so embarrassing."

"You're telling me," I respond.

Sitting down and finishing the movie, Rosa's words keep replaying in my head. What if he forgets? What if I'm stuck mourning for days? What if..?

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