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I begin crying, not because I was scared, but because I didn't want to lose Jimin. We had only just started dating and now Josie is ordering me to break up with him because she's jealous? Hell no! I was also scared people will try spreading rumours about me cheating because I know they've done that to girls before. I sit in my room having a panic attack, thinking about how bad school would be.

Monday. Beginning of the school week which meant facing...them. I hadn't told Jimin about anything because he didn't follow those girls on Snapchat so he wouldn't have found out. Rosa isn't following those girls either and Logan doesn't want it. All morning I was quiet and I didn't want to go to school. But now I was on my way to school, sitting awkwardly as Chanyeol drove Jimin and I.

"Is everything okay?" Jimin suddenly asked.

"Yeah, why?" I reply, smiling.

"You're just so quiet..." he states. He leans over and pecks my forehead.

"H-how are you and Logan going Channie?" I change the subject.

"Great! We went out again yesterday, she's so nice," Chanyeol sighs.

"How long now?"

"A long time," he smiles sheepishly.

Chanyeol parks up and we all walk in together. As we walk down the halls, the crowds erupt into whispers. I feel like shrinking away into the shadows, never to be seen again but I want to be there for Jimin. He grabs my hand unexpectedly and I look down at it strangely. We pass by Josie and she glares daggers at me. I gulp and grip onto Jimin tighter. We head to class side by side. Jimin becomes suspicious of my behaviour but doesn't complain.

The day passes and I am alive. The same goes for several days. Until Thursday. The one day Jimin and I weren't in the same class together. Jimin wasn't particularly interested in art and it just so happened to be the one class which Josie and I shared. I walked in and sat awkwardly. When the teacher entered, it just had to be a sub. Not our regular. I'm dead was all I could think. The class progressed slowly and it got to the point where we had 15 minutes left. But the sub just had to leave the room, didn't she? "Y/n!" Josie yelled, getting up. I look up and gulp. "How's that boyfriend of yours?"

"F-fine," I stuttered.

"Oh look, she's scared," Veronica laughed from behind me. She grabbed my hair, yanking me up from my seat.

"Ow!" I yelled only to earn a smack to the face.

"That was for stealing my guy," Josie snarled, connecting her palm with my face. "That was for being a liar," she continued. Once again she slapped me. "And that was for fun," she smiled walking away. Veronica kneed my back and slammed my head onto the desk before yanking me by the hair and smashing my head onto the desk. I tasted blood in my mouth and knew my face would bruise. The bell suddenly rang and everyone else sprinted out. Great, I thought, Jimin will definitely notice.

When the bell rang, I cautiously but slowly made my way to the girls' bathroom, making sure to slip past Jimin's classroom unnoticed. I opened the door and looked in the mirror. I looked horrible. My forehead was egged, my lip split and nose bleeding. "Great," I muttered just as the door opened. "Look who it is," a voice dripped with sarcasm. I turned to see Josien and Veronica again.

"What?" I spit.

"Ooh," Veronica teases.

"What do you want? What more?" I yell.

"That boyfriend of yours," Josie smirked.

"I can't," I say as tears trace my cheeks.

"Would you rather we give you concussion?" they smile. I shake my head and began crying harder.

"Then you'll do it," Josie crossed her arms. I didn't reply, I just looked down. "Good, you can leave." I walk past the girls and sprint. I run as fast as my legs would carry me to no place in particular. I run through the halls around the courtyard until I ran into someone. We hit the floor. "Ow," the other girl whined. "Wait Y/n, what happened to you?" I looked up to see Rosa sitting across from me, "we've been looking everywhere for you."

"I'm sorry," I whisper before breaking down.

"Oh my gosh!" Rosa states, bringing me into her arms, "what happened?"

"Josie. She beat me up for dating Jimin..." I explained, "I don't know what to do! I can't get suspended again for hitting someone, mum will hate me."

"I know, I know. But you can't just give up," Rosa states.

"But -"

"No ifs, buts or coconuts you and Jimin will stay together," she yells. "Josephine is just a crap that needs to know Jimin would never stoop to her level."

"Y/n!!" Jimin yelled as Rosa lead me over to the cherry blossom, "who touched you?!"

"It doesn't matter," I shrug it off.

"YES IT BLOODY MATTERS NO ONE LAYS A HAND ON MY GIRLFRIEND WITHOUT A DEATH WISH!!" he hugs me protectively and sits down, pulling me with him.

"Jimin~" I whine.

"No shut up, I'm being an overprotective boyfriend," he complains. I look over seeing Josie and Veronica glaring.

"S-stop," I stuttered.


"P-please," I begged.

"Nah uh,"

"Please Jiminie oppa," I say drastically.

"Did you just call me...oppa,"

"Yes now let go," I jump out of his arms and run. 

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