19| Last day together

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Just before we start I just wanna give a shout out to SparkyHeart24 (who was Pretty_Girl_Flicka), queenkookie_ and BangtanBromance. These three wonderful people have been there supporting me and this story since the beginning. Love you three <3 Go check out their works, they are AWESOME~~~

"Bye, have a nice Christmas. Have a safe trip back to Korea Jimin, Chanyeol and Mrs Park. See you all next year," Mrs Dayem bid us all farewell as we exited the classroom. The day had finally arrived, the last day of the school year. I must admit, I am pretty excited but I'm mostly upset. However, Rosa, Logan and I had all planned to go out to Luna Park with the boys tomorrow. Well, they knew we were taking them out somewhere as a farewell gift but they didn't know where. I exited the school grounds with the gang, heading down our usual Friday route to the park. "So, where exactly are we going tomorrow?" Chanyeol asked.

"Somewhere very special," Rosa smirked.

"And it's called?" Jimin persisted.

"Hell," I state.

"Oh, quit whining about it," Logan bosses.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"Argh I hate when you guys hide stuff from us!" Jimin pouted.

"Argh I hate when you guys hide stuff from us," I mimicked, faking Jimin's pout.

"Bully," he retorted.

We got to the park, taking a seat under our usual tree. Rosa took out her sketch book, drawing the playset with children on it. Her art was beautiful, just like herself. "Uh, we're going for a walk," Logan stated, walking off with Chanyeol.

"Bye, I guess," Rosa says.

"Where are we going tomorrow?" Jimin persists.

"When do you fly back?" I suddenly asked.

"Um, tomorrow night or Monday I think..." Jimin answered, "we've finished packing mains as well."

"Oh wow, so soon," Rosa pities.

"Yeah... to be brutally honest, I don't want to go. But at the same I'm dying to see my friends again..." he sighed.

"Yeah..." I respond.

"Don't worry, I'll call everyday," he smiled, "well, if practice isn't too busy.

"It's okay," I say. "Let's go play on the swings." I stand and run, dragging Jimin with me.

I looked down at my bed, sorting through everything that was going to be put into my backpack. Phone, check. Purse, check. Sunblock, check. Sunglasses, check. Hat, check. Emergency first aid kit, check. Spare underwear if I wet my pants, check. Shorts for if I split my overalls, check. 5 day passes for Luna Park, check. Water bottles and snacks, check. All good. I put everything into my backpack, slinging it over my shoulder and look at my appearance. Peach pink tee underneath pale denim overall shorts with black and white converse high tops.

I run downstairs, bidding mum bye and walk over to the Park's house. When I get there, I see Logan and Rosa were already there. I smile, walking inside the large house. "Hiya~" I sing.

"Hey," Rosa replied.


"Yes," the boys state. I smirk and grab Jimin's hand, walking down the street to our destination.

After several minutes of walking, we hit the harbour. The white roofs of the Opera House were seen from a distance and the bridge shone brightly in the early morning light. "Rosa," I state.

"Yep, on it," she reaches into her own backpack, pulling out two blindfolds.

"Wah -" Jimin protested as I covered his eyes.

"Shut up ya big baby," I ordered as Logan covered Chanyeol's eyes. We led the boys over to the Luna Park entrance, which was quite a long walk for someone in a blindfold but oh well. When we got close enough we stopped, taking the blindfolds off. "Wow!" Jimin squealed like a little kid. I dig through my bag, getting the passes, handing them out to everyone. So hand in hand, we marched through the giant mouth which was the entrance. (Not even kidding, Luna Park's entrance is a giant face lol XD)

We headed over to the rides first. "Rollercoaster!" Rosa screamed along with Jimin.

"Eh..." I responded.

"Don't chicken out Y/n, just come on with us," Rosa begged.

"Fine..." I agreed. We headed over to the line, climbing on. When the bar settled over my head, panic kicked in. Argh, I hate heights. The ride started out fine but I was soon screaming, Jimin cheering and laughing beside me.

 The ride started out fine but I was soon screaming, Jimin cheering and laughing beside me

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When the ride finished, I run off and hug the nearest pole, tears streaming my face. "Oh wow, she really didn't like that..." Jimin giggled, "and I got everything on video!"

"Jerk," I frown.

"Love you too jagi," Jimin laughed.

We went to get food next because I was complaining about how mean my friends were. We sat down at a picnic table, eating away at burgers. "Yummy," Rosa giggled.

"Yes," I agreed.

"So where next?" Chanyeol smiled, "that huge ride looks awesome."

"No, screw off," I yelled, "you're all mean bullies."

"How about we play some games," Rosa suggests.

"There's that 4D cinema," Logan suggested.

"Eh, I'd rather win a giant stuffed bunny rabbit but..." Rosa comments.

"Let's go there then," I throw out my trash and head over to some games.

We play heaps of games, winning loads of prizes. We all have little souvenirs from the day. It was now 9 pm, we had been here for practically 14 hours. Playing games, eating foods and going on rides. Jimin had dragged me onto the ferris wheel an hour ago, just to kiss me. We were heading towards the exit when he grabbed my wrist. "Wait, there's a photobooth, I want more pics to remember you with," he smiled, tears glistening in his eyes.

"Oh okay," I head over with him. We sit in the booth, putting in the money and posing stupidly. Just before the final image was taken, he grabbed my jaw and turned my face to his, planting his lips on mine roughly. I was shocked but kissed back passionately just as the camera flashed. He pulled back, smirking. "Just had to get a pic of us making out for memory," he smiled. I giggled at him. We printed out two sheets. The first was a cute couple pic, second was of us pulling stupid faces, the third was me kissing his cheek and him rolling his eyes yet still smiling. And the final one looked like we were making out roughly.

"I love these," I smile.

"Same, now let's go find the others," he stated, "you're coming to the airport tomorrow right?"

"Yeah, of course I am," I replied, "I'm going to miss you so damn much."

"Same jagi. Hopefully we tour in Sydney again, maybe then I'll break it to the world, if I am famous," he grabbed my free hand.

"You will be, I'm super positive," I smiled, "but what if we don't last that long?"

"Jagi, trust me, we will. We'll get married and everything," he assured.

"Okay," I blushed. And so we headed out of the park hand in hand, trailing behind Logan, Chanyeol and Rosa, the pale moonlight guiding our path home. 

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