1: First Encounter

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~Hello Queens. Hope you enjoy. All five of The Family series, first chapters are up. Check them all out. Don't forget to comment and vote.~

Ashton surveyed the club casually. He had convinced his siblings to come out tonight for a while before a meeting they had later in the night under the guise of just having s bit of fun. However, he was looking for a particular person. He'd gotten some information that they may have been up for a few side jobs that his family couldn't afford to be connected to. He had heard from his friend Devin, who was head of security that they frequented the club. Though Devin had never seen him before. Hell, to Ashton's knowledge no one ever had, but they picked up jobs from the club somehow.

As he looked around he was trying to pick out anyone that looked as if they could be into a few unsavory things. However, the only people he knew looked like that were he and his siblings if for no other reason than they were all covered in tattoos.

His scan of the room came to a halt as he watched his youngest sibling, Kylen, reach out and pull a young woman towards him. She pushed against his brother's chest, but that only caused him to pull her to him tighter. Ashton had to keep himself from rolling his eyes. Kylen was the baby and had never gotten out of the mine phase toddlers seemed to go through.

While they were all possessive, his younger brother had and obsessive possessiveness. It didn't matter if what he wanted belonged to someone else, he was going to take it and not give a damn how anyone else felt about it. Granted he was still a teenager, he still knew better. He just didn't give a damn.

Ashton knew that his little brother came on strong most times and was probably terrifying the girl, the psycho. Though he didn't feel the need to try to stop him. He would leave that to one of his older brothers. While they all respected each other and the hierarchy, so to speak, he knew Kylen would try to at least argue with him. He was less prone to do so with Grae and it seldom ever happened with Synn unless the boy's switch had flipped.

"Easy, Little Brother." Ashton heard Grae tell Kylen. "Don't scare the poor girl."

"She looks like a little doll." Kylen responded. "I just want to play with her."

Ashton caught the distinctive sound of his sister, Emery, snorting as he shook his head. His little's brother's words were laced with such adeep innuendo that it would be hard for anyone to miss it.

A moment later the girl was snatched from Kylen and Ashton lifted a brow at the woman that had grabbed her. She was older than the first. Her body more full, though they were both pretty. Kylen hadn't been exaggerating when he said the first had looked like a doll.

"Go play with someone else." She snapped at his little brother.

Ah shit. Ashton thought. Kylen never took to being told what to do by someone outside of their family.

Instead of blowing up the way he though he would, he simply reached out and tried to grab the girl back. However, he was blocked by the other woman grabbing his arm. It all happened in a split second. She had his arm locked behind his back and him down on his knees on the floor.

Fucking hell! Ashton's thoughts escalated and he didn't miss the look of death in his little brother's eyes. However, Grae stepped in and grabbed him from the woman.

"That's what you get for hassling her." Grae told him. Ashton could see him try to take a step back, but calmed down at a look from their older brother.

Ashton turned his attention to the two girls retreating figures. A brief thought flashed through his mind, but he pushed it aside. There was no way.

Looking back around, he flagged the waitress, who gave him the signal for one minute as his phone went off. Pulling it out, he saw that it was a text from one of his family's acquaintances. Though it wasn't the call they had been waiting on. He shook his head at his older brother Synn when he looked up at him. He replied to the message before turning his attention back out over the club.

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