16| Arianne

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Both gasped as they caught sight of each other

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Both gasped as they caught sight of each other. Arianne, ready for just about anything, was not prepared to see big fat tears rolling down Harmony's cheeks as smudged mascara and eyeliner rimmed her eyes like a raccoon.

Harmony gave a bark of disbelief and banged her forehead against the mirror, squashing her perfectly curled bangs. "Just what my night needed."

Arianne felt a flood of pity. She might not like Harmony, but no one deserved to be crying alone in a bathroom. "Are you okay? Do you need something? Water?" On the bus, Harmony had been throwing back shots like they were orange juice. Maybe she cried when she was drunk. Arianne had an aunt who liked to get naked after tequila, although come to think of it, alcohol wasn't the only time she liked to whip her clothes off.

Harmony wiped a tear away with the back of her hand, smearing eyeliner to her temple. "I don't need anything from you." Was Arianne so horrid Harmony couldn't even accept help?

"Do you want me to get Jemmye then?" She hesitated. "Or Gus?" Arianne didn't particularly like Gus. He left a bad taste in her mouth like metallic water, but they seemed to be good friends. Go figure.

Harmony's beautiful face twisted into something ugly. "Stay away from them."

Really? She was acting like a toddler fighting over a toy. "I'm not trying to steal anyone from you."

"You've stolen everything from me," Harmony cried. More tears welled in her hazel eyes.

Arianne didn't know where this was coming from and frankly, it was starting to piss her off. "That seems like a vast exaggeration. Garrett was never yours to begin with."

Harmony swiped a couple of paper napkins from the dispenser and started to fix her makeup. "You don't get it."

Arianne's patience was wearing thin. She had little time for pity-parties and even less for someone like Harmony. Her entitlement was as misguided as her feelings for Garrett. "I get that you have problems—"

"You have no fucking clue." Harmony's hand slashed through the air as she turned, her face bright red and angry. It matched her hair. "Not one single iota of what I'm going through."

Arianne looked her dead in the eye. "Jemmye told me what happened with your dad and your grant. I'm sorry—"

"Sorry? As if a 'sorry' is going to get my life back. If you're sorry how about you disappear and never show your face to me again."

Arianne's annoyance started to bubble over. "You know, you're not the only with issues. I've had my fair share of troubles too."

"Do tell," Harmony said sarcastically, balling up her tissue and throwing it in the trashcan. "Seriously. I want to hear all about your problems."

Yeah, she was done. "I'm not going to get in a pissing match over who life screwed over more."

"See, that's where you're wrong. Life doesn't screw you over. People do." Harmony slapped her palms against the bathroom door and stalked out.

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