chapter two

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Before I can even blink, Pomeline is on me, dagger in hand. I drag my hand to my sheathed dagger, but Pomeline is completely against me. "Child, you saw something you shouldn't have." I gulp. "You're attacking the kings high guard, that of which can have you whipped. Queen or not." She steps back, but close enough to strike me. "Listen, I am a queen. Which means have power in many places. So therefore you didn't see anything and if you speak a word, I would be afraid to drink the wine." She spits. I smile. "You don't have to share your poison, I think I have enough already." I test. She grabs my chin and jerks her face to mine. "Good for nothing bitch. " Pomeline sneers. I jerk my face free and smack her hard against her face.  " I may be seventeen, but I am no child. I am a soldier of the king and you are a queen of some foreign land. Which makes you my enemy. Don't test me." By this time the two maids have backed away from Pomeline.  " Don't worry your majesty, they are sworn to secrecy. " I huff. "Lace me up, girl. " Pomeline adds.

We enter the dinning hall and I gasp. A four tear crystal chandelier hangs above the long glass table, casting reflections on the gold flecked walls. Xanthus and the king stand for Pomeline and I follow Pomeline to her seat where the king waits. He pulls it out for her.  "Pomeline.  " The king offers a greeting revealing his wine stained teeth, I shudder.  She kisses both of his cheeks and nods to Xanthus. I step back to my place on the wall and keep my head down. They talk of the seasons and of the Black Sea . All the while Xanthus keeps his head down chewing leisurely. In a way I feel bad for the poor prince and his lack of insight. I stand still through the dinner and I almost drift off to sleep until the screech of tile against wood jerks me out of dreariness. I look up and I see Xanthus stride over to me.  "Freya a castle guard will take your place of guarding Pomeline tonight, you look like you need rest." I smile surprised by his kindness.  "Ok then. " I say as I walk away.

The stars glitter, illuminating the dewy grass. Akal catches up to Mikal, swings her up into up into his arms and places a long sloppy kiss on her mouth. I look away and Handrell runs by him making kissing noises. Mikal sets Akal down and runs after Handrell. I laugh catching up to Akal. "So, Mikal. " I say. She nods and smiles. I look out to the woods and close my eyes as a soft breeze ruffles my hair. I turn back to the castle and take it in. My eyes travel to the east tower where Pomeline's window sits. A soft light seeps from it and I swear I can hear her whispering to me. "No one." I shudder and continue back to the hut. "This is madness" I whisper.   

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