Chapter 6

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The haven is  cold when I enter, no one has even bothered to tend to the fire. Everyone looks at me with understanding eyes. "I have come here to scope out the castle. I will return to Metamor soon and bring back shifters to play your roles. Then I will bring you across the black sea and into Metamor where will begin plans." Pomeline says over a map that is sprawled across the dinning table. She reaches into her cloak and pulls out six small tubes.  "I will need your blood." She gestures to everyone. No one budges. "Only a small amount, for the shifters." Pomeline smiles. She holds a needle as we hold out our forefingers.

She screws the lids on as we here a knocking at the door and my heart jumps in my chest. I go to answer it and to my great surprise, Xanthus stands there, his shirt wrinkled, his hair ruffled. "Oh, hello. I was, I am wondering if you maybe wanted to have a visit with me in the royal library." I look back to the others. Handrell stands there, gawking, jealous. I smile. "Sure." I take his arm. I probably could find a text on shape shifters. Learn why they need blood.

He walks me through his maze of gold and into the library, where I choke back tears as I take in shelves upon shelves of books. He turns and smiles at me. 'Take any book you like." He says as his teeth shine. "Really?" I say raising a brow.  He nods back as I fold my hands behind my back as turn to skip to the mountain of shelves.  Xanthus follows close behind, running his slender fingers along the bindings of ancient texts. "If I may ask why was Pomeline in the haven." The look he gives me following the sentence , chills me.  I look at him from under my lashes. "Her majesty was just granting me her thanks for the escort to the dinner." I say, my voice strong and heavy, as if forcing him to believe that my false statement was true. "Why did you really send for my time." I ask, through a cloud of dust that appears as I pull a book from the shelf.  "I, I just was curious as to why Pomeline marched out of the castle with you." Xanthus says as he places his hands on either side of the bookshelf, trapping me between his lean arms. My heart speeds, like a stallion racing off to battle. I swallow. "I,I." I stumble through my words. He inches closer and I look down my brain searching for a way out of these bars.  "Won't you tell me." He tuts as he places a hand on my hip dragging his fingers downward as I connect my knee with his groin. "Damn, you think your something." Xanthus says as he grabs my hair yanking me backwards. "Let. Me. Go." I demand silently. "Why? I think I really enjoy your company." His foul, sugared breath tickles my neck. I push my elbow up into his chin and Xanthus connects with the bookshelf as I grip the stolen book to my chest and break out of the castle. The sun hits my face and I smile to myself. "Bastard."

I break into the house and catch the worried eyes of Handrell. I hold up the book in victory. I relish in the cheers from everyone as Handrell stalk out of the room. Pomeline spreads out a map on the card table. She points to Metamor, showing us where we will take a ship across the Black Sea. I spot Melisandre, her upturned eyes, filled with wonder. She like many of us have never crossed the Black Sea. All we know is that we are trusting a foreign gifted to take down a fallen empire. We all have sensed rebellion, but never suspected it would be us to make such a decision.  A fallen empire, my fallen empire.  "I must go , but I will soon return." Pomeline says as she exists, holding a finger to her lips. Melisandre stands by the fire  and begins singing a song of hope in her tongue, it is desperate and pitched. It brings thoughts of darkness and of hope. We could all bring a new dawn of never face one again. I find Handrell sitting with a half drunk glass of scotch. I sit next him taking a slug, Melisandre's song ringing in my ears. I place my hand atop his and meet his eyes. "Who knows." I say as I place my cheek on his shoulder. "Who knows what the knew dawn will bring, but we will face it fully." He shifts to face me, resting his forehead 'gainst' mine. "I am scared." He says, this sends a wave of emotion through me For Handrell would never be this unbound around anyone. I release a breath as the light of a new dawn illuminates my pale hair.  

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