[Chapter 2: The Shimada's]

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The Shimada Village
12:00 PM
Genji's Room

I felt flustered, I don't know what would happen today, I was uneased and confused. 'Is this real?' I asked myself. Is this what my life is now going to be? Overwatch over the clan? It's one of my hardest decisions so far. But I can't think about that right now, today is my big day, my graduation. I'll think about the clan when I cross that bridge- things will go just fine...hopefully.

"Genji, it is time." I can hear one of my clan mates, Setoshi say outside my door.

I moved towards him and nodded, "I am ready." I told him.

He said nothing and walked towards the transport vehicle and I followed. I stepped in and the driver began, as I just stared out the window blankly, with no emotion. I thought to myself maybe I should meditate, release the tension and nervousness I had...

   15 minutes later and we were there, I exited the vehicle and saluted Setoshi. I walked inside the room that were full of graduates and there they were. Everyone was there and I was the last one. They were mostly sitting and using their phones, but one in particular, one girl. Lena Oxton was just jumping around with happiness. And I felt good for her, at least some are happy here.

The rest of the day was just straight boring, all I did was walk, grab a piece of paper and walk some more. The only highlight was standing up for Lena from some racist guy.
The ceremony was over and I just met up with my father, brother, and my clan mate who took my here.

As we got closer my brother just clapped slowly.
  "Great. Job, this'll make you honorable now will it?" He said sarcastically "we asked you to do one job and that was to spy on overwatch, now you're completely connected with them and you're in love with them. You show no honor in the cl-"

"Hanzo! Enough" my father starts.
"My apologies, father..."
He sighs, "Genji, we know you are interested in overwatch but that isn't the Shimada way, look at your life at home, luxury and piece, real training and not, Technology. Stuff." My father says. "This isn't the life your mother and I would want."

That just angered me "Mother is gone! I'm joining overwatch whether you like it or not, I don't care about luxury, I want what I wish for and that's this, and you can't do anything to stop it! You cannot make my decisions for me." I responded angrily and bailed away.

"Genji! Genji!" I could hear my father's calls begin to quiet down, I didn't even look back.

"Father, shall I follow him?"
  "No Hanzo, he's still young, he'll soon figure out that this isn't what he wanted. If he can't then we'll force him"

"But father. You are ill, fighting isn't a good option for you."
  "It's okay, he's going to join, even if it kills me. If that doesn't work then my second in command shall do it." He said looking at Hanzo with intent

"Sensei, may I propose something? Perhaps we just have him decide his future and let him be?" Setoshi suggested

"It isn't his decision." Hanzo then responded.

Back To Genji

...I was angered, I never wanted to join the clan, I never liked it... And if they want me to join, then it'll be over my dead body. Still angered I was strolling off, I didn't even know where I was going, I didn't care.

     I ended up in front of the overwatch transport ship.
  "Well...you in or are you just trynna waste my time?"
the bouncer asked.

I turned my head, faintly seeing my father and Hanzo silloheutes just talking.

I sighed; "I might as well..."
   "I literally can't hear you, you're like whispering." The bouncer responded
"I guess I'll go."

The bouncer let me in and people were everywhere, sitting, talking, dancing and all of that stuff people would do at a prom, or a graduation party. He didn't really have anything to but sit by himself. He did see that Lena girl but it didn't really phase him, he saw her but didn't really care.
   I sat on a bar stool and the bartender asked what I'd like, "Any sake?" The bartender gave me some and I just drank. From the corner I saw someone sharing at me, I looked over and it was a woman. Something looked off.
"Bonjour." She greeted, obviously she was French, she had blonde hair. "H-hey..." I stammered, "You're a quite handsome boy-"
    "Not interested" I immediately interrupted her.
"Hmmph, into guys huh?"
    "No, just not whores."
I then just left. But again something felt off, I have never seen her in the camp before, it was like she was spying on something...whatever, I'm sure it's nothing. If it was someone bad how would've she gotten through the bouncer? He has a list of every overwatch member and new arrivals...

Some time later...

The party was ending and most of the members were being transported to the overwatch base to meet their roommates and get their rooms. I had nothing else to do and nowhere else to go so I just went aboard the ship and left.

Later we arrived and I got off, went through everything, security room keys, etc.
Room 250 was my room, I walked their with my bags, walked through the door and met my roommates. One looked like kilmonger from Black Panther and there were two girls, one blonde and one brunette.
   "Wassup, I'm Dwayne."
   "Those two girls over there are sharing a room, Cathryn and Maycie. They're like besties I guess."
"Cool." I responded "So what're you doing there?"
    "Oh I'm just editing a rap verse I made, want my SoundCloud name? It's D-Wrath."
"Oh cool, yeah I'll think about it.."

I left and went to my room, pretty decent, not bad not the best. Black and green like most of my clothes. Nothing special, medium bed in the corner, desk with computer and space to do homework. Which I don't know why we get homework here but I  guess they do that.

I wanted to explore more so I left and found myself on the hospital floor area.
"Greetings! I'm Angela Ziegler the doctor here, you can call me Mercy."
  "Uh, hey...Genji." I said as I shook her hand.
"What's your injury? Or are you reporting someone's injury?"

"Oh I don't have an injury, I'm just looking around."
  "Oh, well um...this is the hospital area. Hehe" she chuckled.
"Okay well it was nice meeting you Angela." I said as I left.

"Good evening new comer." A voice behind me said
I turned and saw THEE Jack Morrison.
"Evening Sir" I saluted
  "Ah it's okay son, no need for that."
"Oh okay..."
   "Just here to remind you about your first day of training tomorrow.."
   "Yeah, you and a few  will be training for a few hours, and that we'll see what unit you'll be in."
    "So be ready early tomorrow morning." He said as he left.

He left and as I stood there I went off to my room and decided to sleep early to be in time for tomorrows training...

To Be Continued

Hey, just an a/n. Sorry I've been gone for god knows how long, really busy (that's a lie I'm just lazy) but for real I haven't really been motivated into making chapters anymore, idk I just need that inspiration, usually the comments will inspire and I forgot who but someone wanted me to make more so I guess people are still interested, even tho overwatch is dying. But if I'm gonna continue my stories. I just need some motivation, ya'know that kick. Okay well see ya

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