[Chapter 3: Day 2]

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Overwatch Base
Lena Oxton's Bedroom...

Lena woke up to the sound of her alarm clocking rapidly beeping, drowsily she clicked on snooze and attempted to sleep...

Then she heard screaming. Screaming from the room down the hall, startled and fully awoken. She sprinted towards the room to see what the screaming was about.
She barged through the door expecting someone to be attacked or a large bug.

  But it turned out to be Anthony
"He's above you he's weak he's weaaaakkkkkk!!!"
"Uh, A-Anthony?" She stumbled, breathing slightly blaster than normal.
Angrily, he took off his headphones.
  "What're you doing love?" Lena asked
"Playin' fortnite why?"
  "You woke me up."
"Shit my bad. I'll be quieter I guess, only if my DAMN TEAM WAS BETTER." He said into his mic.
   "It's fine. I'm not even tired anymore." The Brit responded.

She left the room and walked towards the living room. Only to find Scarlett eating cereal and watching a drama TV show.
  "Morning Lena."
"Good morning love." She smiled
Lena walked to the kitchen, opened the fridge, and decided to cook an English cooking.
Eggs, sausage, bacon, biscuits and tea.
"Did Anthony eat?" She asked Scarlett.
  "Yeah I think so.."
She didn't respond and just continued cooking.

A while later and she finished eating. She was bored and decided to look around the overwatch base.
She left and walked around talking to her neighbors.
She ran around the base causing a nuisance to some people, she stopped around to see the posters and later she ended up on the medical bay.
The doors opened and she immediately saw her big monkey friend Winston.
"Winston what are you doing here?" She said surprised and greeted the ape.

"Lena, I was about to ask the same thing." He chuckled "Anyways I'm just working with Mercy on some paperwork." He continued
"Mercy? Who's-" she was then interrupted by Winston
"Oh you've never met Angela? She's over there." He said as he pointed across the room.
She looked over and saw a blonde girl in a lab coat working on a computer and she turned around as well.

They greeted and shook hands "Cadet Lena Oxton!" She joyfully said.
"And I'm Dr Angela Ziegler, but you can call me Angela or Mercy." She said.

"So yeah we're working on paperwork about most of our new soldiers. They're training down there if you'd like to see." Winston again interrupted.
He opened a current which revealed a window that was taking up the whole wall and when Lena looked she saw people in the training room, shooting their weapons at flying targets, or practicing their hand to hand combat.

"Oh, I forgot to let you know." Winston said "The crew was working extra hard on the slipstream, so hard that they were able to actually finish it earlier than the normal date..soo...." He slowly anticipated the girl as her eyebrows raised of excitement.
"Your flight is scheduled in 2 days!"

Jubilation immediately kicked in her bloodstream.
"Oh my gosh Winston thank you!!!!" She jumped and hugged him, like she did at the party
Just like last time Winston just let it slide.
"Yeah they'll be a celebration and everyone will be watching you even your family will be coming to see this." Angela began.

Lena was already ready, she was excited to be the main event in front of EVERYONE she knew her parents would be proud.
"So, I guess from now until 2 days later you can just relax." Winston told her.
  "I will." She responded confidently. "I'll see you in 2 days!" She left...

Genji Shimada
Overwatch Cafeteria

The ninja was sitting in the overwatch cafeteria, staring at his food, thinking...
"I can't join the Shimada clan...I don't wanna.." He murmured to himself as he mixed around his scrambled eggs in boredom.
"They. Will Not. Make me... If they do, I will fight back..." He sat and then left the table, to train and meditate for the rest of the day...

Hanzo Shimada
Shimada Village

Hanzo, Setoshi and Genji's father sat at the table, eating their ramen bowl and sushi platter
"Father, what is the plan if he refuses to join?" Hanzo asked.
"We will force him Hanzo." He replied "You will force him." He looked at his eldest son.
"He is my brother, I love him. I-i cannot hurt him." Hanzo responded.
  "You've beaten him in training.."
"But that is just training, what if I kill him?!"
   "Wound, do not kill..Hanzo I am dying, I have a month at most. I haven't told Genji or anyone this but you and Setoshi shall know that you are my favorite son do this for me. Do this for the clan. Do this...for your mother...." He placed his hand on his shoulder

Hanzo hung his head low "I will not disappoint..."
  "Good, now let us eat."
Then Setoshi intervened.
"Sensei, you're attempting to kill your youngest son because he is refusing to join us. That is going too far and someone must say something..."

"It is not killing Setoshi, it's honor. He will join whether you agree or not. You cannot change my decision, I am the sensei. Not. You..." He replied annoyed and angrily.

Setoshi closed his eyes in disbelief and twitched his mouth. Knowing that he cannot stop it he silently ate.
Then the rest if the day was not that special, just relaxation and meditation, well for Genji and them, not Lena....

Hey guys sorry it's short and not that interesting, but next chapter is called Slipstream bye!

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