[Chapter 4: Slipstream]

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Lena Oxton
Overwatch Base

The day was finally here, the day Lena Oxton flies the slipstream and finally makes a name for herself.
She didn't wanna be late for this so she wanted to wake up EXTRA early, 4AM to be exact. The test piloting was at 12PM, she woke up, got dressed in a bomber jacket, a scarf and some pants.

Her two roommates were asleep but they said that they were for sure gonna watch it.
Her family wasn't coming for another 2 hours so she just strolled around the base again.
She walked outside and saw the garden, it was so peaceful and full of serenity. Flowers water fountains a river stream, a nice bridge, cherry blossom trees. It looked beautiful, Lena was glad to see this before she left.
Mostly everyone in the base was still asleep but she found someone sitting in the middle of the cherry blossoms.

She sat by.
"Hi I'm Lena..."
  The man opened his eyes, he was meditating and took a second before he could realise. He shook her hand "Genji Shimada."
  "So what ya doing? Just meditating?"
   "Yeah this place does look nice, really beautiful..."
Genji didn't respond.
   "Wait.." Lena stopped "weren't you the guy from the graduation?"
    "Yeah I remember you, thank you, really.." She smiled.
He smiled a little bit.
"You're welcome.."
   "So um, if you didn't know. I'm flying the slipstream later today, maybe you could watch. I mean you don't have to, everyone's watching. Just wanted to know if you are."

Genji paused for a second or two "Sorry, I'm leaving later, my brother is calling me. It's probably something about the clan but I need to see my father and brother. My fathers uh...dying." He said.
   "Oh...I'm so sorry to hear that." Lena said
"It's fine...
Alright, guess I gotta go..." He stood up and walked out of the garden.
"Bye." She waved trying to be happy without looking too sympathetic....


Lena was all set, her family came and everyone was in the main hall watching on the super sized jumbotrons.

"Oooohhh I'm so happy for youuu!" He mom said exstaticly trying to not cry.
"Thanks mom." She smiled.

"Alright no time for emotion." Winston came in. "Let's go Lena, you've said your goodbyes."

Winston lead Lena to the the large ship and she was astonished.
"Awesome!" She yelled.
The cockpit opened and she walked in and the ship powered on. It began whirring and Lena grabbed the steering wheel.
"Now hold on Lena the ship hasn't been fully powered yet." Winston said as he appeared on a monitor on her right side.
"Hehe sorry love..."

A few minutes later and now everyone was in the main hall watching. Her parents and brother smiling as they all held hands.

"Project Slipstream is loaded up and ready Winston."
  "Ah, perfect...commence.." Winston said.

The machine whirred louder and detached from the bay, Lena flipped some switched and the thrusters began to turn on.
"Remember your training." Winston told Lena
"How could I forget it?" She said as it played through the whole base.
"Alright love, let's make this baby airborne." She smirked cockily.
She struggled a bit but she ended up pulling the lever and she was then rolling across the airstrip.
A few seconds later she raised the lever and the aircraft slowly picked off the ground. Eventually flying in the air.

The crowd cheered back in the base and Lena's family cheered as well. Lena could hear it from her monitor and smiled.

"All you need to do now is reach a speed of 4,520MPH and you can then teleport." Winston did through the monitor.

"Don't sweat love, I got this." She said as she boosted the thrusters and the ship boosted its speed.
Moments later she had reached over 4500 miles and she was ready.
"At 4700 now..." She said "slipstreaming in 3...2..."
The crowd was silent...
"1..." Lena pushed the button and nothing happened.
"What the?" She pushed the buttons multiple times and there was a loud

A scream filled the hall, it was her mother.

The slipstream began plunging downwards and the road was in shock

"Lena what's going on?!" Winston screamed
"The slipstream emp'd itself, its powered off! I'm gonna try to eject." She stuttered worried

But the eject button was jammed it wasn't budging.
"Lena get out of there now!!" He yelled.
"Eject button is jammed! Dammit!" She panicked and spammed the button repeatedly.

She looked at the camera.
"Mom, Dad, Cody...I love you.."
Meanwhile her mother was sobbing as her dad and brother were ng in shock and were both speechless.
Soon then there was a whirr. Lena looked up and she saw a white bright light. She stared...until


Signal Lost...

Everyone stared in disturbance.

"What happened?!" Winston said
"W-we lost signal, it says she teleported but I don't have a signal...we lost her...Winston...it failed..."
Anger then fueled up Winston
"RRGGGHHHHHAAAA!" he screamed as he threw a chair.

Lena's mother was sobbing as Cody and her dad attempted to comfort her.
Winston walked up to them
"P-please tell me she's okay..."

"M-mrs Oxton. I'm sorry to say this but w-we lost her...

Genji Shimada
Shimada Village

Genji slowly and hesitantly walked towards his large mansion, it was very dark and gloomy, the place being only lit with candles and moonshine. He felt a bad presence among him so he clenched his sword preparing for whatever it was to come. He thought more and it was only Hanzo, it wouldn't be that bad. Still he held his blade tighter and then opened the main door.
It was pitch black, then-

"I've been waiting for you. Genji..."

To Be Continued
Yeah so they're  on beginning to happen, tracer's slipstream and next is Genji's battle with Hanzo, overwatch is dead but y'all still want me to write so here ya go, see y'all in the next chapter peace.

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