LTL Chapter Two

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~Luna's POV~

I squeal when I get let out into the fresh air, my gym kit smells amazing and I'm running like I've never experienced freedom. Typical Lulu.

"Lu come over here you have to introduce the new students" they all took gym? Hmm okay. I decided to comply and head over.

"Annyeong guys, these are the new students, as one EXO please treat them nicely or I'll break your necks" I finish with a sweet smile. I hear the boys behind me snicker and I flick my fringe out of the way of my red eye.

I swiftly turn around and show them, scaring them in the process. "that goes for you too gorgeous, show any form of disrespect to my lovely classmates and 6 feet under is the only thing you'll be shown" they stand there awestruck as I turn on my heel and head to Elizabeth, not missing my teachers comment "That's our Lu" with that gym went well.

In my school I kinda have a reputation for being amazing at shutting people up and making people be nice. Hell the Queenka used to be a bitch until I stepped in, these pheasants bow at my feet. Just kidding about the bow thing but I am known for handling situations well.

After Math it was break and pretty much everyone sprinted to the cafeteria. Me and Liz however don't, we head up to our normal spot on the roof. It's lovely up there until we're met with an incredible annoyance, a rouge. I am not old enough to shift yet neither is Elizabeth however we are extremely well trained in combat.

There are about 20 of them. How did that amount get up here without being seen. The wolves take an opportunity to lunge at me and Liz at the same time, separating us. We dive into different directions, Lizzy quickly regaining balance and Me shortly after. However as I go to step back i'm met by a pair of strong arms holding me back. I turn to see all 12 of the new kids staring at the wolves like they killed their mother or something. Hey I won't jump to conclusions that could've happened.

"You guys get back downstairs, we'll handle this" I say getting ready to jump. "NO WAY ITS TOO DANGEROUS" they scream in unison. I sigh and quickly look at them winking, I flick my fringe out of my eye and my red eye sparkles in excitement.

"Watch me" and with that I break from, Chanyeol's (I think) hold and run at the wolves. I let out a low growl and surprise myself, I'm too young to have any wolf abilities? I can get my powers but not my wolf.

Recovering from the situation, I find myself surrounded by at least 8 wolves. I can see Lizzy has gotten down 4 already leaving another 8 plus this soon to be dead lot. I summon a sword in my left hand and a dagger in my right.

And then it breaks loose, it happens whenever I'm in battle. My red eye throbs and my silver eye turns red. I position my sword in front of me and do a hurried, yet forceful, spin. Severing the heads of my enemies and leaving them to turn to ashes being caught in the wind. I look to my right and see Lizzy being overpowered by another lot who joined.

There's now 40 odd rogues on this roof and 14 people 12 in which are defenceless.

That is until I turn around to check on them, only to see them charging at the wolves powers and swords all. Me and Lizzy look at each other squealing at the thought of finding more werewolves. We quickly snap out of it when we hear at least three or more of the boys being attacked. I run to 2 while Lizzy runs to the rest.

I reach Kai and Lay in time to protect them from from a team of 15 wolves. I'm outnumbered. And I might die here. However something inside me snaps and I see it happen to Lizzy. The rest of the boys have 10 wolves to take down and they seem like they can handle it. Lizzy in the same situation as I, calls to me and all I do is nod in response.

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