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I wanted to make an impression, even though I didn't need to. I pulled out my black skin tight mini dress, that was low cut, paired with dangling black diamond earings, black diamond necklace, that made my collar bone look more pronouced.  I had on black ankle high heel and my trenchcoat. I did my makeup, I usually only wore mascara, but tonight I was wearing a smoky eye with black sparkles on the lid, eyeliner wing and a neautral matte lipstick.  I curled my hair into barrel curls and put it into a half-up hairdo.

I was admiring myself in the full view mirror, making sure my wings were covered and how well I did, when I realized I had to go or I was going to be late.  I walked out of my dorm and I had many eyes on me, I didn't like being so...noticed. I began to get used to it, I began wallking with a little cat like walk in my steps. I smiled at people I didn't know and I waved or said hi to others. I finally got to 135 at 8:55 p.m., I tried to prep myself not to embarrass myself. I then knocked, greeted by a man with dark skin, chocolate eyes and cropped black hair.

"Hi there," he smiled, while biting his lip "are you lost?"

" Nick invited me," I said trying to have confidence, but failing. I heard some shouting and then I saw the puppy dog face of Nick.

"You made it," he paused, looking me up and down, "you look so beautiful." 

I was blushing, trying to cover my face from him so he didn't see, while I was smiling like an idiot. He reached out and turned my head towards him, he smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen.

"Do you want to go dance, angel?" he said with a smirk, while grabbing my hand and directing me to the dance floor. I didn't have time to say no, so we started dancing, I got so many compliments, I never realized till now how humans compliment others pure out of jealousy or lust.  We danced to so many up beat songs, I didn't understand how humans enjoyed this stuff, maybe its because of who you listen to it with. 

I went to go get some punch after the first five songs to get away from how adorable Nick was. I was in the middle of drinking the punch, which I couldn't taste, it just tasted like many moecules. When I saw the green eyed boy, he wasjust staring at me, maybe it was that way the violet light hit me, that illuminated my blue eyes, the same way it did to his. He seemed to be trying to be confident, failing, but he walked over confident.

"You look great,cas" he said truly meaning it. He was just so rude to me and now he is nice. Is this what all human males are like, confusing? I read books on humans and they never mentioned males being so.... weird. 

"Thanks Dean," I hesitated asking myself if I really wanted to ask about why he was so angry before, "umm...if you mind me asking why were you so upset with me earlier today?"

He hesitated, "it really wasn't you, you just were the first person to walk into the room," he looked sincere, "I'm sorry, Cas."

His face was sculpted so amazingly, even when he was being rude, I still was admiring him. I caught myself getting lost in his eyes, they reminded me so much of heavens gardens, green yet many different colors in one. He gave me his puppy dog eyes, unitentionally. "I forgive you, Dean."

Across his face he showed relief, I expected him to ask to dance but he said "Okay well thanks Cas, see you in a little bit in our dorm." I watched him walk away, why did he always leave me wanted more.

I walked back over to Nick, he was waiting for me, kind of looking like a man waiting for a train. I walked over giving him a big smile, he looked happy to see me again.

"What took so long?" he said with pure curiousity.

"I was talking to my roomate about the way he should talk to me." I said not wanted to say what truly happened. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Who is your roomate?" he said with a little sense of force.

"Dean Winchester," I said, "why?"

"No,are you serious?"he said looking worried.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked him, why would he act so disturbed by Dean.

He pulled my away to the hall, under the staircase, with a lot of force. "You have to get your dorm change, you don't want to be roomates with Dean Winchester."

"Why not?" I asked hoping he would actually answer my question.

"Dean Winchester, is the baddest boy in our school, he has done some aweful things and won't explain himself. He is known for pie, onestands, and a high level of sarcasm. He is almost always by himself, besides for his brother, Sam Winchester." he stopped almost as if he was holding something back. "You just need to get a new dorm, okay, promise me."

"I don't think I can change my dorm now, Nick." I said not wanted to make him worry. He furrowed his brows, seeminng to be confused.

"Well, we could see..." he said, as he grabbed my arm and started pulling me to the elevator.

"Nick....what are you doing?" I said with a little panick in my voice, because if I got too distressed my angelic powers would save me at any cost. He continued dragging me, he got close enough to hit the down arrow

"I can't let you have Dean as a roomate, he is..." he must've been thinking of what to say to persuade me, "dagerous."

"Nick, I can handle it myself," I said with more distress than I had before, I tried making him let go of me, with out my angelic powers, if I used them he would think something was off.

Ding. He pulled me into the elevator with him, "no you can't!" he said with high intensity. He was covering my mouth to forbid me from screaming, as he pushed me hard against the elevator, making me hurt my wings, extremely bad. I began to cry, he then said, "I didn't hurt you!"

He then pushed me harder against the wall, making me feel like my wings were breaking in half. I cried harder, trying to scream, trying to get someones attention. I didn't use my angelic powers because if I did he would be killed, along with anyone in the two floors, its called smiting. I was crying so hard and he just keep pressing me hard against the elevator wall, he was saying something to me but the pain of the wings, were making my ears ring. My wings had gone numb, about the tenth time he did it, he then proceeded telling me something I couldn't hear. I think he was getting mad because I wasn't answering his question, which I couldn't hear. Everytime he spoke, he would push me harder against the elevator wall, he continued untill I was in so much pain, I couldn't see what was going on around me.

All of a sudden I slumped to the ground, and my whole body felt numb. I was getting my vision back and I could see dean pinning Nick against the hallway. Beating him up black and bloody, the ringing was becoming quieter and I could hear Dean yell, "she was mine, leave her alone!" Dean knocked him out and then came over to me.

Out of terror, I was trying to get away from him, being extremely slow.The ringing became loud again, and I couldn't hear what he said. He began to carry me like a small child and when we passed by a mirror on the second floor, I could tell Nick not only pushed me to the wall extremely hard, he had punched my face really hard, giving me a bruised lip and eye, and I had blood coming out of my mouth. My trenchcoat was soaked in blood, from my wings. Dean brought me to our dorm room and lie me down on the bathroom rug.

I was so out of it, I saw him get a wet rag and he bagan wiping my face, gingerly. He was saying something, but I could only pick up that it was soothing. I went into his thoughts and he was thinking of making me better at any cost, I then passed out from the pain from y wings.

I woke from the agonizing pain of my wings, I was on the bathroom floor, with something warm around me. It was Dean, he had his arm wrapped around me and he was holding me tightly as he slept. He was keeping me safe, but my wings, I could tell they were extremely damaged.

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