Everything fell apart

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RIng! Ring! It was Sam calling what did he want at this moment. I had just got done with my prayer, yet I still had no answers. I picked up the phone.

"Hello Sam," I said neautrally.

"There is no time for hello's," Sam said frantically.

"What's wrong?" I said beginning to panick.

"It's Dean, he is in the hospital," he said, as I could tell he was exiting a room.

"I'm on my way," I said and when I finished that sentence, I was beside Dean. He looked pale and he looked terrible. I couldn't tell what was wrong with him was he sick? Sickness and sometimes internal things are hard to tell for sure.

"Hi Dean," I said gently, careful not scare him. He opened his eyes to reveal a blue wrapping around his iris, he must have got infected by my grace. Too much angelic grace will poisen you, but only the strongest of angels can poisen anyone. Imagine the small angel's grace, like myself, being hot chocolate, compared to strong angel's grace, which is like an espresso. Angelic poisening is lethal for humans

"Hi, Cas," he managed to say, but I could barely hear him. He closed his eyes, and I could tell how much pain he was in.

"I'm very sorry, Dean" I said apologetic, because of me he was going to die.

"What did you do Cas," he said surprisingly calm, probably because he was dying.

"You have angelic poisening, I didn't know I was strong enough to be able to poisen someone," I looked at him expecting his sarcastic expression or his hot headed temperment, but all I got was his continued calmness.

"It's fine Cas," was the only thing he said. I had to figure out what I could do to save him, but I didn't know of a cure for angelic poisening.

"No, Dean..." I had to push out the words, "you're going to die." He opened his eyes and the white in his eyes lit a bright blue, he looked midly surprised but didn't really show it.

"Well," he took a deep breath, "I guess we are even, then." He chuckled and I saw the smile I loved. I had to keep him alive, and if that means going lower than I ever have been before, then I guess I will. I went to the most famous crossroad's demon in heaven, Crowley. 

"Hello, angel," he said charmingly. He was a scruffed man, with dark hair, a suit and looked in his late fourties. I had met him in an abandoned steel company.

"Hello, Crowley," I said with seriousness, and I showed it in my face.

"Why so upset, darling," he said in a slight scottish accent.

"I need to make a deal," I said beginning to think of Dean, being so sick.

"Wow. This is a suprise I have an angel, asking me, a lowly demon, for help," he said sarcastically, "hmmm..."

"Yes,I need you to cure him of angelic poisening," I said trying to maintain my seriousness and indimidation.

"So I have not just any angel wanting help, but an ark angel wanting help, strange," he said again sarcastically.

"I am no archangel," I said looking at my palms.

"So how could you poison a human then?" he said questioningly, he was beginning to get on my nerves.

"It doesn't matter, can you help or not?" I said forcefully, hoping to scare him.

"I can, but you are contracted to me," he said, with a evil smirk.

"How long?" I said and he genuially looked surprised.

"A year, that's it," he said squirrelishly.

"Fine," I said as I lifted my hand to shake on it.

"Wow, I have never made a deal with an angel, I need to add this to my scrapbook of deals," he said humerously and he chuckled at his own joke. We shook on it and then he looked as though he was thinking something through.

"So who were you saving?" he said curiously. I found no point that it wouldn't be a big deal if I told him.

"Dean," I said as I turned to leave. I heard him gulp.

"Dean...Winchester?" he said almost surprised and terrified in one emotion.

"Yes, now I have to get back to him," I said as I took off my trenchcoat to get back to Dean, revealing my wings. I could tell Crowley was in awe, because he was staring at my wings.

"Why did you want to save him so bad?" He said as he continued to look at my wings.

"I am in love with him, and he is in love with me," I said not wanting to hide tthe feelings Dean and I have.

"Wow, I never thought Dean or an angel could love," he said and he might have continued saying something but I had left, to get back to Dean. 

When I showed up at the hospital, Dean was so much better and he was lively again. I could see the blue grace slowly sink into him, and disappear.

"Hi Cas, you said I was going to die," he paused and began to laugh, "I knew I wouldn't."

"Yeah, I was stating worst case senario," I said trying to hide my lie, even though I was told by Dean that I was bad at lying.

"So where did you go?" he said not really seeming to being attention to me.

"I went to get air," I said and I guess that is the partial truth, but it is a partial lie, and angels are known for honesty.

"Okay, so are you better now?" he asked, as if I was the one who almost died.

"I'm fine, Dean, are you alright?" I asked the question, to see if Crowley stuck with the plan.

"I'm peachy," he said in a sarcastic tone, yet with a giant smile across his face.

"Okay, great," I said and I knew I needed to get away from Dean, "I have to go to heaven I got an emergency call to go home." He looked disappointed, but I could tell he understood and then I left silently. Not knowing where I was going, but knowing that it had to be as far away from Dean as possible.

Dean POV

She just left, again. She was always leaving and I know she is an angel, but I'm a hunter. I rested my head on the fluffy pillow, I was so tired. I knew Cas was lying, I always can tell, but I didn't want to push her anymore than necessary. I didn't hear or see him come in, until I heard his voice, the annoying Scottish accent.

"Hey, squirrel," the man began sarcastically, "I met your golden harp playing friend, she isn't too friendly."

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