iron sharpens iron

172 3 9

Y/n pov
I take a step closer to him he steps back ok so step forw- wait what ! He steps toward me causing me to stumble back the hell man !! I yell he smirks and keeps walking towards me I keep steping back I look to the side at the gang and mikoto for help they just shrug assholes I mutter "you know-" I look at him "you should never mess with a vangaurd nevermind homras" and shit oh shit. He keeps walking and I keep backing up suddenly oof I hit a wall bu-but hes still walking forward with that halfass smirk of his what do you fucking want!? I spit "you threatend him and his board big mistake Phoenix" says izumo oh so he wants a fight "fight me bitch or you can run away to your big brother" oh it is sl on beanie boy I say wow even mikoto looks nervous "BEANIE BOY WHAT THE HELL" he yells at me well looking down at me "wow" he mutters "your short" ok now you've done it I swiftly kick him in the leg then as he falls I jam my elbow into his chest while doing so his shirt and sweater fly up and I see...abs!? The shorty has abs!!! I feel a blush rise on my face but I make it look like im fueld with rage

Yatas pov
Man this kid is hella strong as I lay on the ground I see her face become slightly red is that a blush!? Oh shit is she falling for me or something no no way yata you just met her no girl would ever do that so quickly

Mikotos pov
So tired........

Izumos pov
Awwwww their bothblushing its so cute I look over at the gang all are hiding their faces or leaving oh. Now I see it when y/n was jaming her elbow into yata ( not ment to sound dirty) her shirt flew up and her pants fell down a bit giving the guys a pretty good glance at her butt oh I hope mikoto doesnt see that and they.are.having.a.fucking.nosebleed. well shit

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