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so...your back. Why? He wont let me talk to you for very long...or at all actually. Can you even hear me? I-I hope so...or this would be a waste of time....well I need to tell you something....someone isn't who they say they are please you need to help us,to free us you only you can help us now....she tried. S-she tried so damn hard but...she failed we promised her that she couldn't fail that even if she tried to fail that it was impossible b-but you YOU are different this entire time we thought it was her but maybe just maybe it was you. You might not know right now but you have alot of control. this world as much as yours. We want to hurt anyone. Not anymore please this may be the only time I will ever be able to talk to you for this long ever again.but please dont let him get to you dont allow him control. This is your story not ours but you don't know that yet j-just trust me please we. Can. Help. Each. Other but I know that by the time you see this he would have changed something they should be in a different font or something like that he doesn't likes to mess around with you like us but listen if he does change nothing at all our words should not be the opposite of what no one puts.

LEAVE US ALONE WE DONT want your help we dont need you. You are not our Last hope you cannot save us but you can try. I hope this reaches you I so good luck.

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