"stanza four"

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"you don't have to speak, of our past just keep me in your life

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"you don't have to speak, of our past just keep me in your life. keep me in your life"

JUNE 24, 1989. 11:50 AM. DERRY, MAINE.
della's pov

my cheeks became warm, and it wasn't because of the hot sun in mid june. "i- uh" i stuttered out, becoming aware of my embarrassing state. i was wet, soaked by something i didn't even want to know. the smell was enough for me to guess and i knew stanley could too. "i guess it's always henry." i said softly, smiling lightly but not enough to be happy. stan noticed my faulted reaction and frowns. "let me help you up." he offered his hand, pulling me up gently.

i winced, my leg becoming filled with an unknown pain. it burned, the pain starting from my foot and making its way up mid-thigh.  "fuck me." i moaned, rubbing my thigh with my free hand. stanley freezes and lets go of my other hand, realizing we were still touching. i laugh, looking up at now his blushing face, which was either from us holding hands or my cursing.

"ok this is cute and shit but what the fuck happened to you two?" richie tozier yelled gesturing between ben and i. i rolled my eyes, turning my head to the other brunette. "bowers gang. they caught me and ben coming from the library." i answered, shaking my head in dismay. they were too cruel for even themselves, and at the age of 15 it was scary.

"you two were at the library together?" stanley asked, confused as to why we would be together. ben nodded, "we didn't walk out together but, della saw henry grab me and i guess she came to my rescue," he waited a second, "kinda." i frowned. i didn't really do anything expect fuck us over more. henry would be on my ass more than ever and now ben would have to bite off some of the load too. i didn't want that. "ben, you're bleeding!" i exclaimed, noticing his wound was bad. the red "H" stood out broadly, and would definitely leave a scar, not only on his body. it oozed red and streamed down his stomach, hitting the icky water of the barrens. then it washed away with the rest of the grey water.

"w-we have to get him he-he-help." bill choked out, his stuttering worse than usual. he was shaken up, obviously. he threw something to the side quickly and started walking to town. i looked over. it was a shoe. small enough to be a childs, inside the tag i could read in big bold words, "BETTY RIPSOM" i gasped and walked away fast to meet up with billy.

everyone walked to the store silently, no whistling, singing, and richie was even able to shut the fuck up after everyone yelled at him for some dumb joke. the sky was a light blue color, reminding me of the collared shirt stan wore just a few days ago, when we talked. had i known i would get my ass beat later for sticking up for him, i still would have done it. and not even for the fact it was stanley, i hadn't thought of him for a second before the incident. henry was just an asshole and someone needed to be able to control him. hell, his father was a police officer and that fucker was still mistreating others. not that i was surprised. officer bowers was mean too, but somehow i couldn't blame him. his wife left him with a sociopathic son and a drinking problem. everyone knew about it. but he was not cruel in the way henry was, he did not hurt others, just gave them majorly expensive speeding tickets. but to all the adults here, that somehow was more shameful than henry's actions.

it never quiet occurred to me that people really just didn't give a fuck about others in this town. children were more sympathetic than parents. no one had said anything to betty or billy's parents after the events, not even an "im sorry." some kids weren't even aloud to play with billy anymore, and somehow im surprised that the rest of his friends were able to. adults viewed these families as diseases, something that would spread onto their children if they got too close. like a fucking plague, some people imagined it. "don't get too close to the denbrough boy, i don't want you missing either." like somehow we would become next in line if we felt any remorse for him.

but the adults were also good at acting like they DID care, and that's what left everyone content in the town of derry. we were able to make ourselves so  proud, and blissful to the fact we were just as horrid as whoever killed betty and georgie.

we arrived to the pharmacy shortly after, everyone sitting down their bikes, of course expect for ben and i. "ill go in. no one here knows what to get." i rolled my eyes. "i-ill go too." stan said. i smiled, walking over to him and then pointing at billy and eddie. "you two come, we don't want others to get suspicious. we'll fix ben up and get home." they nodded, following us.

eddie and i were quick to pick out everything we needed, and we began to try to pull the money together for it. "i have 5 dollars," i stated. we all groaned. "that won't be enough, that won't even get us a fuckin-" my words were cut off rather annoyingly, and we all stopped as another body almost hit us. beverly marsh, a girl gretta loved tormenting, probably because she was jealous. marsh was a beautiful girl who boys always fancied over. she didn't have to try, her beauty was natural and there was something so compelling about her unique, carefree personality. "what are you guys doing?" she looked us up and down, suspicious and quite nervous. "none of your business." stan shot back, and i elbowed him quickly in the stomach.

"we need help, someones outside almost bleeding out and we don't have the money for this stuff." i didn't give a fuck wether she knew, we needed the money for this stuff, fast. she sighed for a second, and looked back over at the pharmacist. "give me a moment."

she pranced over, her hair bouncing up and down and a hand in one back pocket. she began flirting with the old man, grossly and sexualizing the young body. he loved it, and i almost felt like I was gonna throw up. not because of beverly, but because the own predator we had in our store. she quickly knocked over a display, and gestured us to leave. we grabbed the stuff and left.

eddie rushes over, trying hard to fix the wound and not throw up. "are you okay?" stan whispered, "let me see your leg." i shake my head. "im okay, stanley." i grabbed his arm and smiled up at him, our faces close. he rolled his eyes and sighs. "sit down." i groaned and sat on my bottom, pushing my leg towards his body. "see it's fine." i huffed. i didn't want stanley worrying about me, and it was quite embarrassing i had screwed up my leg.

"sure you are. you have a giant lump on your knee." he said sarcastically. "you should stay off of it for a bit."

"well how do you expect me to get home, doctor? limping isn't quite a good form of transportation." stanley laughed a bit at my frustration, which made me ease up and crack a smile myself. "im serious! i have no way to get home, stan." i frowned, looking down on the bump and rubbing it softly.

"you're dumb. ride on the back of my bike. ill take you home." i looked up, smiling harder.

"THATS NOT THE ONLY THING HE WANTS YOU TO RIDE." we were interrupted by richie's screaming. stan blushed a maroon red, and backed away from my sitting body. it was cute, and i wasn't even annoyed with tozier's comment. smirking, i raised an eyebrow and shooed rich off. standing up, i brushed off my clothes and walked towards stanley.

"will you please? im ready to go home." i held out my hand for stanley and he grabbed it.

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