Last To Go

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Ring! Ring! 

The bell sounds. History class is finally over. I feel a wash of disapointment come over me. Mr.Westfield is quite a teacher, he is sexy, seduxtive, mysterious, and a fantastic eduacator all at once. I can feel my insides clench just by looking at him. He assigned a chapter to read with questions. Some Renaissance thing, very easy in my opinion. Although, I think this is his way of testing the class to see who knows their stuff and who doesn't. 

"I look forward to our next encouter Ms.Peirce." He says close to my ear, snapping me out of thoughts. 

I look up to see him walking away towards the door, waving good bye to some of the students just leaving. Cassie was waiting just outside the door to bombard me with questions. Great just what I need, I don't even understand my reaction to this man, nevermind having to try and explain it to someone else. 

I get up from my seat, realizing I was the last person in the class... beside him, ofcourse. 

I make my way to the door, keeping my eyes down feeling his gaze on me. He stands in my way, blocking the exit to the class room. My heart rate quickens and I feel the wetness pool between my legs, I squirm in the effort to stop it. He takes notice and smirks. In any other situation I would be terrified, if a man was smirking at me like this blocking the exit forcing me to stop. But Mr.Jake Westfield was different, I felt utterly safe and secure around him. Something I have never truly felt around anyone since all those years ago. I look up at him, asking with my eyes for him to explain. His darken in response. This isn't possible, a man like this can't be attracted to me, I must be imagining it. 

"It was a pleasure to meet you, Ms.Pierce." He says in a seductive tone. The reaction my body takes leaves me speechless. 

Once I recover I reply, "Thank you, and it was quite a pleasure to meet you Mr.Westfield." 

"Please, call me Jake." He says moving aside and opening the door for me. 

"Jake..." I nod, shocked again as I exit the classroom. 

Cassie grabs me instantly. "What took you so long?!" She says sounding irritated. 

Had I really been that long. How long did I stand gawking at him? I think embarrased now. 

"What the hell was that?" She asks, stopping in front of the cafeteria door. Opens it and heads towards the line up. I didn't feel much like eating. My stomach was already full of butterflies. 

"I don't know what you are talking about" I say, trying to sound oblivious. 

She glares at me. "Really, Iz... You think I didn't notice... you were practically swooning at his touch. And you spent the rest of the class staring at him." She replies annoyance clear in her voice. 

I blush in response, not saying anything.

"But, he totally likes you. He was watching you the whole class, in fact his eyes never left you. And he didn't want to let you go when you fell into his arms." She says, sounding envious. 

"You think?" I ask doubtfull. 

"Totally!" She exclaims. 

"So what do you think of him?" She presses. 

I sigh, knowing I was going to have to tell her something or she would never stop. But, what do I tell her when I have no idea myself? 

"I don't know, I think he is extremely attractive. And smart." I say, this was all true. But I won't mention, how much his touch effected me or about my craving for him to be naked. 

"Well, Duh!" She says, like that was something obvious. 

I shake my head at her, smiling. We were sitting at our usually lunch table, I didn't get any lunch. She started talking about something else, but my mind kept wandering back to what he said. I look forward to our next encouter? It was a pleasure to meet you? Call me Jake? Did he actually like me? No, thats impossible. 

"You should totally sleep with him." Cassie says, snapping e out of my reverie. 

"What!" I says dumbfounded. 

"Mr.Westfield, you should sleep with him." 

"NO! I can't do that!" I say... I couldn't possibly. It has been so long, I don't think I remember how. And last time..... 

"Why not? Don't you want too?" She asks.

Well, ofcourse! I think to myself. "Yea sure Cassie whatever makes you sleep at night." I reply trying to sound uninterested. I don't want to sound desperate. Nor do I want to set myself up for dissapointent. I would love to have sex with Jake.... but why would he want me? 

"Well, if you don't I will." She says smiling at the thought. 

A strong surge of jealousy courses through me, suprising me. I have never felt jealousy, not like this. I am so angered by the thought of Cassie and Jake having sex, that I am seeing red. Cassie notices my face but decides to change the subject, rightfully. 

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