Her Eyes

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The Orville was docked at a Union base as Ed and Kelly sat in a conference room with Captain Aims. Ed asked, "Did Admiral Tucker tell you what he wanted to discuss with us?"

"No, I'm sorry. He just told me to have you two here for a special assignment." All Captain Aims told Ed.

Ed looked at Kelly a bit confused and she shrugged. Just then the screen rang and Captain Aims picked it up. Admiral Tucker was on the big screen in the room. "Captain Mercer. Lieutenant Grayson. Thank you for meeting with me."

"Sir, can I ask what this is about?" Ed asked.

"We have a special assignment for The Orville. Do you know the planet Kaptos?" He asked.

Ed said, "Well, yes, sir. Isn't there people a brute race?"

Then Grayson added, "Also, don't they keep their woman as slaves?"

"Yes. I need you to go to Kaptos and make peace with the Kapto people." He told him.

"Wait, sir. The men there are like three times the size of any human. They look like giants on steroids." Ed said, dumbfounded.

"I understand the risk, Captain, but the leader has said he wanted to make peace with the Union. I think it's because the Krill has become more of a threat to their people. I think they looked at us as better of the two evils." He told Kelly and Ed.

"Sir, I don't think this is a good idea. It would put my crew at risk. What if this is some trap?" Ed asked.

"The leader has given his word that no harm would come to you or your crew." Admiral Tucker told him. "I would like you to send a team in and make peace with their people."

"Yes, sir." Ed said, reluctantly.

He looked at Kelly worried, who in turn looked worried as well.

They were now walking towards the bridge on their ship. Kelly was almost panicked, "What are we going to do, Ed? Those people have not known to roll out the welcome wagon."

"I know, Kelly." Ed breathed. "But we were given our orders. There is nothing we can do."

They got to the bridge and Ed said to his helmsmen, "Set a course to Kaptos."

Instantly both Gordon and John turned to Ed and said at the same time, "What?"

"You heard me." Ed only said as he sat down in his captain's chair.

"Sir, no disrespect but why in the hell would we do that." John said.

"I'm with him, sir.  At this point, I would rather lose another leg then go anywhere near that planet.  They would rip us apart." Gordon added.

Ed sighed. "We have orders to make peace. The leader has said no harm would come to us."

Alara then said, "I don't think this is a good idea."

Then John added, "And aren't their people like stuck in the middle ages?"

"They have the technology for space travel but they prefer to live on their planet as if they were." Ed informed them.

"Yeah, I have to say, what is up with that? I mean, they have the technology but they rather to live as if they live in fourteenth century earth." Kelly said to me.

"I have no clue, Kelly. We don't know too much about the species." Ed told her. Then he turned to his helmsmen, "Set course to Kaptos."

"Yes, sir." John breathed as he wasn't happy about it.

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