A Surprise

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Ed moved through a Union base as his ship was docked. Him and the crew were taking a couple days of down time. It happened to be the same weekend that there was an Union event where leaders of different planets came together. Ed was feeling tired. He loved his job but he wouldn't lie, it was a relief that he got a breather. Gordon caught up with him and asked, "So, what do you have planned tonight?"

Just then Bortus, John, and Alara walked up to him. Ed shrugged. "I have no clue. Honestly, I just want to relax with a good book."

"Oh, come on, Ed. We have the next few days off, we should get drunk." Gordon smiled.

"Uh, I don't know." He seemed unsure.

Bortus then said, plainly, "I don't see the enjoyment of consuming alcohol, it's unnecessary."

"It's fun." John said with a smile.

Then Kelly walked up and added, "You should join us, Ed."

"I don't know." He still was unsure.

"When do you turn a drink down?" Kelly joked.

He slightly chuckled. He gave in. "Okay, okay. I'll go."

They began to walk away and but still were on the loading dock. Then a small child ran into Ed and fell down. Ed looked down at the boy. He quickly bent down and helped the child up. He knelt in front of the child and asked, "Are you okay?" The child only nodded. "Where is your mother?"

He pointed behind him as there was a woman yelling out, "Melik, Melik." Ed saw her and his eyes widened as he stood up. La'ra ran up to the child and said, sternly, "What did I tell you about running off? There is a lot of people here and you could get lost."

Then she said still looking at her child. "I'm sorry." She began to look up as she said, "He is a little ball..." She stopped as she saw Ed as she didn't expect to see him.

"La'ra." He breathed.

Then two of her guards came close to her. She then picked up her child and she said, softly, "You're here. I didn't think you would be here."

"And you. I mean, I didn't think about it. I guess I should have known, you are queen of Kaptos, after all." Then he looked at the child. "And you have a kid now."

"Um, yeah." She said, wanting to tell him the truth but didn't know how.

Bortus then pointed out, "The child isn't fully Kaptos."

"How can you tell that?" Kelly asked him.

"How can you not?" Bortus asked, plainly.

Then La'ra admitted, "No, he isn't just Kaptos."

Kelly then asked, "What is he, other then Kaptos?"

La'ra looked at Ed and Ed eyes widened as he realized the child was his. "He is part human, isn't he?"

La'ra looked away and nodded. The rest of the crew became shocked at they quickly picked up what was going on. Well, all but Gordon and Bortus looked unphased. Bortus understood but Gordon was confused. He saw their reaction and asked, "What did I miss?"

"The child is half human." Alara pointed out.

"Okay, and?" Gordon was still confused.

"And the captain is human." Alara tried to guide him to were she was going with this.

"Again, I say, and. I mean, yeah, La'ra and the captain had a thing going on but..." Then he caught on. His eyes widened. "This kid is yours." He said to Ed.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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