His Queen

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Ed paced nervously at the loading bay. Kelly walked up to him and asked, "You can't be that nervous?"

"Well, I am." He breathed as he stopped in front of her.

"Ed, it's just a peace treaty meeting." Kelly told him. "Just treat it that way."

He looked at her and said, "But she will be there. It's been over a year since I saw her last."

"I know." Kelly breathed. "Come on, let's get this over with."

They got on the shuttle and flew down to the planet Kaptos. The closer they got, the more anxious Ed got and it showed. His knee was bouncing and began to fidget. Kelly got annoyed and breathed, "Can you stop that? You are making me nervous."

Ed stopped and sighed. He sat back in his seat. Then Kelly asked, "Are you nervous to see her or excited?"

"More nervous." He admitted.

"Why?" She asked.

He looked at her and said, "Cause it has been so long and what if her feelings have changed. I don't know if I can handle that."

"Cause you still love her?" Kelly asked. Ed looked away. "I just don't understand why Admiral Tucker ordered us to go after what happened last time."

"Apparently we were requested." Ed told her.

Kelly looked at him in shock. "Really?"

Ed nodded. Then she smiled at him and looked ahead. "What?" He noticed the smile.

"Just told me something apparently you are too blind to see." She still smiled.

"What is that?" He asked.

Kelly looked at him and said, still smiling, "Her feelings haven't changed."

"You think?" Ed asked.

"Oh, god, you are dense when it come to women, huh? Might explain a lot why our marriage went down the drain." Kelly cracked.

Ed seemed confused. "I don't understand."

Kelly chuckled and said, "We were asked to come and she is there. Why do you think that is?" Ed shrugged still confused. "Cause she still cares for you and wants to see you."

Ed smiled at this. Now his nervousness changed to excitement but it was still slightly there. They finally landed and were greeted by a small party of Kaptos. It was mixed with men and women, who were dressed differently now. None of them were covered as they were before. Ed and Kelly stepped off and saw them. Last time they landed, it was a bunch of brute men with weapons greeting them. Now, no weapons and it seemed much friendly. A woman stepped forward, smiling, and said, welcoming, "Hello, Captain Mercer and Lieutenant Grayson. Queen La'ra is waiting for you."

"Queen?" Ed asked, surprised.

"Yes." She said with a smile. "Please follow me."

They walked off and followed her to the castle. They walked inside the castle walls and got to the castle. They walked to a room with double doors with two guards there. She pushed them open and inside the room was a table. There were a few people in there. Ed then saw her. She looked just the same but much more confident and strong. She also wore more elegant clothing due to her new status. She stood up and smiled at them. "Thank you for coming. I know the last time you tried to make peace with our planet, it didn't go very well." Ed couldn't stop staring at her. She pointed to the chairs in front of her. "Please, sit."

They walked over and they sat down. Kelly said with a smile, "It's so great to see you again, La'ra. How have it been?"

La'ra smiled and said, "Well, a lot has changed."

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