Day 1

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Gajeel burst into the hospital, Pantherlilly flying behind him.

He didn't call anything out he just searched the rooms at a fast pace until he found her.

She had bags under her eyes, her face splotchy red from crying. Her blue hair was a mess.

Gajeel's shoulders slumped when he saw her.

"Shrimp?" he called softly.

"G-gajeel?!" Levy whispered softly.

Gajeel grunted in response.

"Why are you here?!" Levy asked, but coughed harshly when she spoke too loud.

Silence followed. Pantherlilly curled up next to Levy almost crying. She rested one arm around him at first then cradled him like a baby.

"It-it's not like I was worried about you or anything!" Gajeel burst out, "You will fight through this."

Levy looked down at Pantherlilly and said, "No. Gajeel.... I'm going to die."

Gajeel had his back turned towards her. He turned around to see Levy sobbing silently.

"I have a week to live..." Levy half sighed half sobbed.

"....." Silence ensued for a long time.


"Yeah squirt?"

"I'm afraid to die..."

Gajeel had no words for her. He wasn't the type to soften up, and he never really showed compassion at most times, but it sometimes it showed through. This was one of those times.

Gajeel leaned over and hugged Levy tightly. Levy hugged him back, her tears dripping onto his shoulder, a crying Pantherlilly below them.

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