Day 4

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Levy woke up with Pantherlilly in her arms and Gajeel by her side.

Levy held back a gasp as she blushed. Silently, she reached forward and played with a strand of his hair. She then got up and made a breakfast of bacon and eggs.

Gajeel got up, scratching his head.

"Mornin' Squirt," he grumbled as Pantherlilly got up and yawned.

"Morning! *cough!* *cough!*" Levy fell down I her knees clutching her chest.

"Levy!" Pantherlilly said as he glided down to her side. Levy had coughed up a bit of blood.

"I'll.... Be alright..." Levy got up, her knees shaking.

Gajeel took her and set her down on the bed, then went to finish the breakfast.

"Mt. Hukaru. That's next on my list. After looking around a bit, we will head down to the beach..." Levy said, laying down.

Gajeel grunted. "It will take us a day to get there."

Soon, the three were headed to Mt. Hukaru by train, ten hiking by foot. Levy kept coughing, though not as badly as that morning.

"Oh!" Levy said, remembering something in her bag, "I have always wanted to try these!"

Levy pulled out a box of Pocky.

Gajeel stared blankly at the red box, while Pantherlilly chuckled with a smirk silently behind his back.

"Fine. Is this on your list too?" Gajeel asked.


Levy opened the box and handed Gajeel a stick, and got one for herself with a cough.

"On three. One. Two. Three!" Levy said and they both took a bite.

"Hey... That's pretty good stuff Shrimp!" Gajeel smirked at her and she smiled too.

"I'm glad you like it! If you didn't I broughtt a bag of scrap metal pieces just in case..." Levy pulled out the bag as proof, which was yanked from her hand and eaten by Gajeel.

"I gotta say, metal is still better." Gajeel remarked, swallowing.

Levy laughed a raspy tired laugh, and she fell asleep on Gajeels shoulder.

Pantherlilly whispered, "I'm surprised you haven't moved."

"Shut it, cat."

Pantherlilly just chuckled as Gajeel got a little red.

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