Give Me Time

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All I want is your freaking time.
It's all I'm asking
I don't care if it's a short amount of time,
You're just too addicting
And I can't get enough of you

Talk to me, or just call me,
Tell me how much you love me
Tell me how much you miss me
I want to know that you're mine, and see you agree
Seriously, without you, I don't know what I'll do.

I don't get to see you that much
You're busy with a lot of things
Your hand I can't even touch
And now my phone does not even ring
Call me baby, I want you.

What should I do while waiting for you?
I've already cleaned the house,
You've made me feel really blue
I don't want to lose the one I'm going to espouse
Give me time, please. I love you.

Have a Nice Day, Babe. Good Night. (Long Distance Relationship)Where stories live. Discover now