Chapter 5

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Hey I am back again. Sorry was hit my writers block and usual laziness. 

Warning! - This chapter is sugary sweet and all sappiness in the world!  


"Hurry up Kit!" There he goes again...No respect for his seniors!

"Ming?!" I click my tongue at him as I try not loose my balance on the pebbled path through which he is pulling me.

I absolutely refused to stay in the rooms no matter beautiful it is or how tired and sore I am and told Ming so. I wanted to visit the beach, well nothing strenuous but maybe a walk.

He just looked at me, became lost in thought for a few moments and then began rummaging through his bag searching for something.

"What are you searching for?" I inquired but he quickly pocketed whatever was in his hands; kissed my nose then gave a huge smile before running out of the room leaving me baffled. Moments passed with no trace of Ming and the idiot even left his phone in the room!

Just when I was about to go in search of him he busted into the room; grabbed my arm and started pulling through path lighted by small lantern shaped lights.

"Ming where are we going? And stop pulling me so hard! My ass is still not in a good shape...thanks to someone" I grumble pulling my hand out of his grip, my cheeks heating at the confession as I steal a glance at him.

"Oh babe I am so sorry" he slows down and puts arm around my shoulder. "I am just excited hehe"

"Why about?" I raise an eyebrow pursing my lips. God help me if he wants to do something on the sand I will kill him and bury him there!

"You will see" he promises with his trademark mischievous smile and a kiss on my cheek. Hmmm Sappy...

We reach the sandy beach and I stop short. My eyes widen at the carpeted path which lay before us lined with decorated lanterns leading to a luxuriant tent set in white.


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"Surprise!" he laughs and leads me to the table. "Come"

"When? How?" I ask as he leads me to a chair, pulls it allowing me to settle before taking the one beside me. The delicious aroma from the food spread out in front of us makes my mouth water. Was I that hungry?

"Do you like it?" I look up to the excited and anxious face.

"Umm" I smile back nodding.

Truly I am shocked! This vacation seems to be a discovery of Ming for me. His different shades...the possessive one...the caring one...the sensual and now the romantic.

I cannot help but smile at the simple yet wonderful dishes in front of me especially my favourite mussels in coconut basil sauce. How did he know that?!

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