Apple and Pear Crumble

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Apple and Pear Crumble

Ingredients: Apple and Pears

~ 3 medium apples (450 g)

~ 3 medium pears (690 g)

~ 1/4 cup caster sugar

~ 1/4 water

Ingredients: Crumble Toppings

~ 1/2 cup ground almonds

~ 1/3 cup rice flour

~ 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar

~ 60 g butter, chopped

~ 1 tsp ground cinnamon


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease deep 1.5 litre (6 cups) ovenproof dish.

2. Peel, core and quarter apples and pears; slice fruit thickly. Combine fruit, sugar and the water in a large saucepan; cook, covered, about ten minutes or until fruit is just tender. Drain; discard liquid.

3. Meanwhile, make crumble topping. Blend or process ingredients until combined.

4. Place apple mixture in dish; sprinkle with toppings. Bake crumble for about 20 minutes.

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