Mom's Best Ice Cream Ever

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Mom's Best Ice Cream Ever ( Yields 12 servings, Preparation Time: 15 minutes )

My good friend has donated a family recipe to me-his Mum's homemade ice cream. She says it is the best and the easiest ice cream out-so do yourself a favour peeps.


~ 4 egg whites

~ 4 oz icing sugar

~ 1 1/4 cup cream (half pint)


1. Beat whites stiff; gradually beat in sugar a little at a time. Beat the cream so it holds it's shape. Fold all together and put into freezer.

2. Tip: At the "fold" step, you can add chopped, non-salted pistachios, or crumbled choc/peppermint crisp bar, or grated choc, or chopped macadamias with chopped crystallised ginger, or whatever. At Christmas, I soak currants & chopped sultanas in rum/brandy overnight, and then fold them plus chopped almonds and call it plum-pudding ice cream. It doesn't work well with anything with high water content like strawberries because they remain like pieces of ice in the ice-cream.

3. After it is well frozen (a day, a week, a month), I always put in into the fridge while eating main course so that it is a little soft and creamy but still basically frozen.

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