Chapter four

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"We're skipping class today."
"What?" Penny asks
They're sitting in the dinning hall eating breakfast and Simons buttering a scone.
"Simon we can't skip class."
"We can't just sit here while Baz is off probably getting tortured!" Simon shoves a scone in his mouth and she sighs.
"Hey I'm right." He points at her "what if Micah got kidnapped? Would you just sit in class and act like nothing ever happened?"
Her eyebrows furrow, "Why did you compare Baz to Micah?"
"You just compared Baz to Micah."
He butters another scone and avoid her eyes, "I did not."
"You did. What's going on here? Why do you care so much about Baz all the sudden?"
"I don't! Just you don't get it!" Eyes go in their direction and Simon lowers his voice, "Sorry, but if you don't come then I am doing this by myself."
Penny looks at him confused for a second, "Okay, I'll go."
"Okay." He stands up to leave.
"Wait where are you going?"
"To find Baz. I thought we just talked about this."
"Well I thought you meant after breakfast."
Simon looks down at his empty plate and her full one.
"Oh yeah."
Penny rolls her eyes and Simon sits back down.
"Do you love Baz, Simon?"
He wacks at a branch with his sword.
"I said do you love Baz?"
He looks at her and shakes his head, "Why would you ask that?"
"I wanted to know if you'd lie to me." She smirks.
"I don't love Baz." He lies, his face red, "I don't love him."
"Simon, come on. You can tell me." Penny stops and grabs his arm, "Simon, please."
"Why do you need me to say it if you already know?" He looks at a tree ahead and hits it with his sword.
"Because I want to hear it from you."
"Fine I'm in love with Baz, okay?"
She grins, "I knew it."
He smiles a little too, "I get it, you know everything."
They walk the woods for a few more minutes in silence.
"How long have you known?" Simon ask breaking the silence.
"What is this, fifth year? So only about a year now. But this past week has been buzzing with tension between you two. I was waiting until you figured out. I'm pretty sure Baz has for a while now."
He turns to her quickly, "what do you mean Baz figured out?"
"You haven't noticed? Baz likes you, Simon."
"W-wha-how do you know?" He stutters out.
"Simon, do you really think he couldn't find you a date to the Bash? Haven't you seen the way he looks at you?"
Simon starts to walk ahead fast, "We need to find him now."
They walk the woods for hours and after that the pitch,the moat, and after they check the catacombs they stop.
"Simon we need to go to bed." Penny yawns.
"J-just one more stop. Have you checked the Mages office?"
"Come on. He's no where around here and it's doing you no good staying out here."
"You go I'm just going to check the pitch one more time."
"Okay, okay. I'll sleep." He walks towards the Mummers house and Penny calls him, "Simon, we'll find him. Don't worry."
He nods and continues to walk.
That night he doesn't get much sleep. He lyes awake think about Baz and whether or not he's alive.
Yo sorry this is so short. It's midnight and I forgot to update this but I promised Saturday. Wait is this technically Sunday? I have failed you all😂
PS: the next chapter is the final chapter! I wanted to wait till Halloween to post it but I don't think I can wait😂 I am soups excited to write it!

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