Chapter five

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Just as Simon fell asleep that night he is awoken by a door slamming and a heavy thud on the floor.
Frustrated he jumps up calling his sword, then he hears a voice mumble a spell. The lights flash on and Simon sees a badly bruised Baz on the floor.
He immediately runs up to him, putting him in his arms.
"Crowley Baz, you look horrible! Where were you? What happened? Are you okay?"
Simon tries to pick him up but he moans in pain. He settles for leaning him against his bed.
Baz wheezes out a cough, "Simon, healing spell."
"Oh yeah, sorry." Simon digs in his drawer for his wand, finding nothing.
"Uh, Baz?"
"What Snow?" He manages to get out.
"I-I can't find my wand."
"Crowley, Snow. Just use mine."
Simon walks over but catches a glimpse of his wand under a sheet.
"Oh wait, never mind."
Baz rolls his eyes, leaning his head on the bed.
"Snow, hurry."
"Right, um. Get well soon! Early to bed, and early to rise!"
The bruises on Bazs cheek fade away and he takes a deep breath. Simon is kneeling in front of him holding his hand.
"What happened?" He asks cautiously, looking down at their hands.
Simons head shoots up, "who? Why?"
"I don't know. They knocked me out then put me in a dark room. But I did see something before I got knocked out."
"A hand, but it had a golden ring, with a green stone on it."
Simon sits down next to Baz, leaning a head on his shoulder. He hears sniffing, and looks up. Tears run down Baz face but he doesn't wipe them.
"Hey, Baz." He won't look Simon in the eye, "Hey, look at me. It's okay, no one can hurt you now, I won't let them."
He still won't look at Simon. Simon gets on his knees, and grabs Baz face so he has to look at him.
Baz nods and Simon wipes the tears away with his thumb.
"Listen we will find who did this to you. We can go tomorrow when everyone's at the Bash so you won't have to miss anymore school."
Baz shakes his head, "No." he croaks out, "No, we are going."
"What? Why? Baz you just got kidnapped, you can't go to the Bash."
"Yes I can, it's not like I am hurt anymore. I know how much you want to go, and maybe you can still get Agatha to dance with you." He gives a shy smile and looks away.
Simon isn't holding his face anymore his hands are in his lap, and his eyes fall there.
"I forgot about her."
"Really? Never thought you would shut up about her."
"Yeah, well I have been busy lately. You know? Looking for my kidnapped boyfriend and all."
"About, that. I thought about it, and if you want you can be the one to break up with me. I understand what little social status you have is at risk." Baz giggles and Simon punches his shoulder playfully, sitting next to him again.
Despite the pain in his stomach from how nervous he was, Simon reached out for Bazs hand, "Do we have to break up?"
Baz eyes shot down at him, "What do you mean?"
Simon laughs nervously, "I mean, these last few days when you were gone I felt like I was going to go insane, and I don't ever want you to leave me again."
From the corner of his eye Simon could see Baz grinning.
He squeezes Simons hand, "Okay." He says and it comes out almost as a whisper.
Simon giggles, he's never seen Baz nervous. The more he thinks about it the more he laughs.
"What?" Baz yells blushing-or as much as Baz could.
"I have never seen you nervous, it's funny." His fit of laughter has stop but he's still grinning.
"Shut up." Baz scoffs, but Simon could see a smile peeking through.
The Bash is pretty crowded, everyone dressed in their best. Usually for a Halloween party you would expect costumes, but not Watford. Everyone is in dresses or suites. Some tried to get Halloween colors, some look like they took whatever formal clothing they could find.
Simon sits by the punch bowl alone. Baz wanted to make an entrance and he didn't want Simon stealing the spot light. Simon had just rolled his eyes.
Pennys off talking with Agatha, Simon didn't go over he was waiting for Baz.
Suddenly the doors fly open and Baz walks in-of course he used open sesame.
It takes a moment for everyone to notice it's him, but when they do their jaws drop.
Simon grins and starts to walk towards him. Baz strides over confidently with a smile once he sees Simons face.
"Snow." He grabs his hand and pulls him in.
People start to look away, though some stare. Especially Agatha.
"You called me Simon before." Simon whispers to him.
"No I didn't."
"Yes, you did." Simon grins, Baz shakes his head.
They dance and then when Agatha gets closer Simon notices a ring on her finger. Not just any ring, the one Baz described last night.
"Baz." He whispers.
"Look at Agatha's hand."
He looks down and his eyes widen. He meets Agatha's eyes and she looks away quickly.
"What should we do?"
"I don't know. Turn her in?"
"Snow, can we go outside?"
"Yeah sure."
He nods and leads the way.
"What is it?"
"I just can't be in the same room as her, knowing what she did." His eyes start to water.
Simon had never seen Baz cry besides last night, it still kind of shocked him.
He grabs Bazs head and pulls his face down to his. He wipes his tear and then kisses him.
His lips are warmer than Simon had thought. And softer.
They broke apart, Simon looked at him sternly.
"I won't let her near you, Okay? Your safe."
Baz nods and smiles slightly.
They end up walking over to the pitch and sitting there looking up at the moon.
"I never called you Simon." Bazs says.
"You just did."
"Before that."
Simon grins and lays back.
Agatha ended up getting expelled from any and all Watfords. Penny was excited to see Baz and Simon where really together now, though she still couldn't believe what Agatha had done.
Simon liked being Baz real boyfriend a-posed from his fake. He helped Simon with homework and in class.
They study at the library with Penny, but she often complains about being a third wheel.
Baz has nightmares occasionally and Simon comforts him as much as he can.
He tries to help him forget about it, and usually ends up staying up all night talking to him.
Simon doesn't mind though, he's just glad to have him.
Sorry if that ending seemed bad,'it's late and I'm tired and have school tomorrow 😂
Aside from that Happy Halloween!! Hope you enjoyed the last chapter!🤙🏼

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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