Day 28: Which Two Characters Would You Choose to Spend Time With?

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Hooo this is a toughie. I can't choose overall, so I'll just do from each gamu. (Btw, I finished V3 last night and I'm so sad) 


~Chihiro Fujisaki 'cuz we're so similar! He's just a precious little cinnamon roll, and I would love to be good friend who'll always be there.

~Toko Fukawa because once I heard her backstory, I felt so bad for her. I would love to be her friend and let her know that I wouldn't backstab her like everyone in the past. Even if she insults me, I just want to, okay?


~Gundham Tanaka so we could talk about animals and about how glorious he is. Kinda like how Sonia is with him. 

~Ibuki Mioda, so we could run around doing random shit together

~Nagito Komaeda (Don't judge ok) He's super laid-back yet insane. I find it funny how in Ultra Despair Girls, he lets the Warriors of Hope throw stuff at his face and draw on him, while smiling the whole time. 

Ultra Despair Girls:

~Can Toko count again? Because she changes throughout the game.

~Idk who else, maybe Nagisa Shingetsu? 


~Ryota Mitarai because he's really talented and stuff. We could talk for a while.

~Erm...Seiko Kimura I guess? I'd be nice to her unlike RURUKA

V3: (Oh dear)

~Shuichi Saihara because who wouldn't?

~Rantaro Amami bc he's chill and mysterious and I have to admit, he's kinda hot too.

~Angie Yonaga, I know she talks about Atua/God so much, but I mean we could talk about art, and she's just so bubbly. I also really like her character design.

~Tenko Chabashira, definitely. I can't give an exact reason, but I just love her character.

~Korekiyo Shinguji since he's very approachable and interesting. We could talk about anthropology.

~Miu Iruma WAIFUUUU AHHH Even if she starts spouting mean things, I think we'd be good friends after a while.

~Gonta Gokuhara, cause my lord, he is so innocent. I can't explain exactly why either, but I'm sure most of you guys would want to spend time with him too.

~Kokichi Ouma, then I could follow him around and do evil things too. We'd totally plot something together, and heck, he might even lie to me but I don't mind. (Is that bad...?)


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