547 28 18

OC's • Part one

Okay some ocs are just very cringe.

And I always talk but them BUT THEY BUG ME SO MUCH.


Part one: Personality

Alright lemme get you in on a lil something.

It's difficult to make unique ocs.

And I totally get it.

But come on your good old neighborhood mother Katie can help you! Right?

Most definitely.

Let's start!

Very cliché things: Clumsy, super ultra smart, super ultra stupid, depressed, overly kind, extremely rude, completely closed off, wants to talk with everyone.

Do you see a pattern? Because I do. Obviously, I'm the one writing this ANYWays.

The pattern is this: Everything is either extremely this or that. No in the middle like most normal human beings.

And I get why, maybe it's to get pity for the characters, maybe it's to be relatable, or to exaggerate the authors, get the author's feeling out, make them seem better. There are so many different reasons.

But usually for a good story, the characters just need to be well,


It makes it so much more relatable. And I get it, that's won't always be the case, and sometimes the characters can be very well written and be exaggerated.

I'm not saying it's not a 100% nono, it just needs to be used correctly.

Ways to fix this: Well, make them a bit more normal. Give them some B's and C's in school (Unless you're like me and can't live without all A's), have the be kind, but also ride sometimes, give them a circle of friends to talk to frequently. You see? It's not that hard!


I hope this help you guys! Feel free to talk about what you think in the comments! Thanks for all the love and support and as always...

Bai my Sparks!

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