426 24 10

dear golly

I can't believe I would ever jump on the bandwagon of hating on the Paul brothers.

But I mean come on, this is the worst of the worst.

L o g a n

Like come on.

I never watched Logan and Jake, never liked them, honestly I don't have any respect for them at this point, but this is horrible.

If you haven't heard, Logan Paul went to the suicide forest in Japan and found a dead body. He filmed it, and stated that it was probably recent. He hesitated, and even ASKED to call the police, when there was a slight (I mean you never know) chance that this person could be saved or at least the family could be notified.

Him and his squad (I had to call them that it's comedy gold) were laughing and making jokes all throughout (and I'm pretty sure even did it AFTERWARDS) until they decided it would be best to tell the viewers how much they cared for them (what even) and post a suicide hotline number and crap.

*Cough cough* COPOUT


This was completely horrible, and should have never been uploaded. Yes, filming it is horrible and exposing someone without their family's consent (because obviously the deceased person cannot give consent but still) but going through and EDITING IT, being there with MULTIPLE people (the squad) and still uploading it AND THEN "admitting" it was wrong is completely and utterly disgusting.

Now let's go through some things people have said to justify him.

"He made a mistake and apologized, forgive him!!!1!"

Yeah okay, he did that. But the apologies seemed very insincere and highly self centered. Also, APOLOGIZING DOES NOT ERASE THE MISTAKE MADE! He still did wrong, no matter how much he apologizes, no matter how sincere it is.

"He's just 22 gOD."

This is something someone five years old would do. A twenty-two year old man is mature enough to not expose, film, and joke around about SUICIDE.

"Maybe laughing is how he copes."

Reasonable, yes. But making jokes about it too? And just about the whole squad (I can't get over this name) laughing about it too? There is a difference between JOKING laughter and COPING laughter.

"He didn't know any better!"

Okay, reasonable, but he should have. He is twenty-two. Also, there were other people with him! Helping him film and edit! They should have pointed it out.

Also, he KNEW what he was doing, even if he had other intentions. He made the title and the thumbnail ALL ABOUT this deceased person he found.

But then there is a bigger issue.

Logan Paul made the mistake and MAY BE learning from it.

But who did not and will not?


They didn't demonitize the video! THEY PUT (or let it get on) TRENDING! This man filmed someone's dead body. This man exposed someone who commit suicide. Didn't stop filming or anything. YouTube demonitizes things about lgbt and swearing because that's not child friendly.

All in all, there were so many people in the wrong, and yes this is recent, but they don't seem to learn.

Money and fame changes you.

Cheers to 2018!

Bai my Sparks!

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