♥ Truth or Cake?

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Truth or Cake?

"Truth or dare?" -Erza

Waaaahhh! Waaaaaaahhh... Chill down Lucy. 

"Lucy?" -Erza

"Lucy-chan? Still there?" -Levy

"Ummmm..." -Lucy

"What's up with the Mmmm?" -Cana

I didn't reply, I stayed still as if I'm frozen. 

"Maybe she needs some cake?" -Erza

"Nah, YOU need some cake. Now goo... eat there..." -Cana making a go-away-look.

"You still have a deal with me right?" Erza looked at Cana with a smirk she displayed.

"Oh yah, yah... " Cana replied nervously eating her words. 

"Neh Lucy-chan...?" -Mira

Well, as if it will affect me so much... I regained my consciousness and repeated her question.

"TRUTH!" I said standing pointing my finger on Erza.

"Woah, woah, woah... Calm down." -Bisca

"Why that Lucy-nee?" Wendy asked and smiled.

In my mind, I have displayed a sarcastic face. So I also did a sarcastic face. Hahaha. No kidding, seriously.

"Because, no matter how I decide, the question will be the same.. Huh." -Lucy  (Author: I know right.)

"You're right! So Erza, now go ask a question." Mira said smiling as if she were teasing me.  

So Erza proceeded on asking... and me... Of course. It's going to be about NATSU. She asked me yesterday though. Nothing compared, and it's just like an open conversation version.

With Audience. For short. 

"Lucy..." -Erza

"Yeah...?"  I replied with a horrible face.

 "This is hard to ask, especially from me but...." -Erza said with her fist on her chest.

"But what?" I asked with my questioned eyes.

"But...." -Erza

"But???" -Lucy

"But Do you have some cheese cake on your fridge? I'm very hungry right now asking..." -Erza 


"Come on Erza, stop playing around." -Juvia

"Okay... Do you like Natsu?" -Erza

Told yah. 

"Or do you LOVE?" -Mira  (Author: Oh come on Mira ahehehe.)

"I-.... I..."


I am so glad you're still reading haha! Continue bby. 


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