Full of Surprises

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They walked beside each other.

     One never came faster than the other but both refused to be left behind.

     The nightsky was slowly setting into the evening and stars became abundant. They glowed rather independently but together, they formed constellations and wonders of the like.

      “You…have such a delicate name.”

      “That supposed to be a compliment?”

      “It’s…delicate compared to ‘Lee’.”

     Lee didn’t answer to that. Not because he had point but because she didn’t care about the point and saw no sense in answering back.

      “Hannah told me, you didn’t want to write your whole name at the enrollment form. That you freaked out when Mrs. Ginger saw.”

      “How fast does gossip go around in cram school? I thought it was more boring than a normal school but looks like people always wanted entertainment.”

      “Okay, one, she told me when you were asleep and I’m probably the only one she told because I was the teacher at that time. Second, none of it would have happened if just wrote your name properly. You have a good dedication to your nickname.”

      “No, I have a good dedication to eradicating my real name.”

      “And everyone else finds that weird. I’ve heard of people hating their name because it’s lame but Jamie’s not that lame. It’s neat and simple. Unless you hate neat and simple which you probably don’t even care about.”

     Lee rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue.

      “My father named me that and I hate him to death.”

      “That’s it? You hate your father and the only thing that’s keeping you tied to him besides your last name is your first name and you want that done and away?”

      “I’m using my mom’s last name. And no, I’m not trying to cut connections. I’m trying to erase them. Like he never existed as a part of me. That alone is enough for me to live for the next hundred years or so.”

      “That’s the same as asking you were never born.”

      “Then that might’ve probably been better.”

     Kyle looked at her and wanted to lock an incredulous gaze to her eyes but she was faster.

     The moon had already caught her attention and once again, she was locked in a fantasy of her own.

     And Kyle had lost himself too, staring at this person beside him.

     He wanted to know more, wanted to see and wanted to hear.

     And in any case, his sentiment would be the only thing in his mind for the next days.

     He didn’t know when they’ll meet next but he hoped soon.

     He didn’t know when she’d smile again but he hoped now.

     It was beats of silence. The walk was rather long until finally they came before an intersection of walkways.

      “My house is just round the corner. Thanks for taking me here.” Lee bowed slightly.

      “Thanks for talking,” Kyle retorted but almost smirking.

     He watched her as she walked forward, away from him, and his hand was so close to reaching out.

     Until she turned around, hands behind her waist and a playful smile on her face.

      “You know, I never really tell my whole name, much less the reason behind it. Just to those I really trust.”

     Hopefully, the sun was down and the streetlights barely illuminated his face. But Kyle could swear, he could have flustered in that situation.

     There were two unforgettable smiles in one night.

     When he reached his home, he was in a trance that gave him only a quarter of attention to things around him. He was thinking about her along the way.

     Thinking of things he could do for her. But he knew that he couldn’t go too far for someone he just met.

     There had to be distance and Kyle was hesitant to put it between them.

     Then, it was like the door roared. A loud knock, indeed it was.

     He hadn’t even finished putting down his bag. Still, he removed it from his body and rushed to the door.

     Right after he unlocked the knob and gave it a twist, a mysterious weight was placed upon him and he was down on the floor.


     It was a girl’s voice.


     One he knew very well.

      “I thought you weren’t home yet so I was going to try pushing the door down.”

     He chuckled.

      “I’m imagining it. You backed away a few steps then ran with all you could.”

     She chuckled as well.

      “Good job with the coordinates, math teacher.”

     But then, it struck him.

“What…What the hell are you doing here?!”


I haven't much to say. A lot in the next chapter though. Two uploads this time.

Comments, appreciated. Votes, cherished. Fans, loved.


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