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In a prison sat three annoyed witches, who have been locked away because of their many crimes.
"We must get out out of here I'm sick and tried of not having my storm powers!" Said a annoyed witch, Stormy.
"And I'm sick and tried of you complaining!" Shouted another witch,  Darcy.
"I want to get out of here okay Darcy don't you?" Shouted Stormy.
"Ugh I do, but I can't take any of your complaining!" Darcy said really annoyed.
"Would you two shut up! I'm so trued of hearing you arguing!" Yelled one other witch, Icy.
"We have to get of here" Icy said standing up.
"I've always here you say that everyday" Stormy laughed.
"Shut up, I know something in this prison there is a power source that blocks our dark powers" Icy said.
Darcy sat and folded her arms, "Even if we found it we did find it we don't have any powers to destroy it" Darcy said.
"Well done sherlock" Stormy said with her hands one her hips.
"Sisters stop" Icy said walking up to the cells bars.
"What the heck are you doing?" Darcy laughed.
"I feel a dark presence in here" Icy said.
"Same" Stormy and Darcy said at the same time.
"Someone's here" Darcy said walking to Icy.
Icy was about to say something when..
"Hello witches I am Dimmer a ex-member of the old company of light" Said a dark mist in front of the Trix cell.
"What do you want?" Stormy asked.
"And show yourself" Darcy added.
The dark mist formed a woman with a mist like dress and black long hair and green eyes and black lips.
"As I said I'm Dimmer and I'm giving you one offer you can take it or not your choice" Dimmer said.
"What is it?" Icy asked.
"You witches are the three most devilish witches, and I'm pleased with your work and the offer is you come with me and I'll give you stronger powers and you'll be able to destroy the Winx once and for all, but you must work for me got it?" Dimmer said with a devil face on.
The three witches nodded and said "Yes"
Dimmer laughed and smashed the bars and threw a icy ball at Icy, a black lighting ball at Stormy, and a black dark ball at Darcy.
These balls entered the chest and they glowed and on their neck formed a necklace.
"There necklaces are now your new powers that make your power stronger they are immune to any fairy magic that tries to hit it" Dimmer said.
"Awesome" Stormy said smiling evilly.
"Now what do you need help with?" Icy asked.
"I need to get the six gems of the magic universe" Dimmer said.
"Well count us in" Darcy said as Dimmer and the Trix disappeared..

-With the Winx-

"Stella hurry up!" Yelled Musa.
"I'm coming!" Stella shouted.
Stella ran down the stairs and huffed.
"Lets go the boys are waiting for us" Bloom said.
The Winx walked outside to see the specialists.
Bloom ran to Sky.
"I've missed you so much Bloomy" Sky said against her lips.
"Same" Bloom said bringing he lips closer and their lips touched and Bloom slowly melted into the sweet romance kiss as did Sky.
Sky and Bloom are now engaged, Sky proposed a week ago.
"Hey! You two stop making out" Riven yelled.
"We're coming!" Bloom yelled back then giggled.
Sky and Bloom walked onto the ship to see their friends.
"Finally" Brandon said under his breath.
"I heard that Brandon" Bloom said with a smirk.
Everyone chuckled or giggled.
"So what's this club called?" Timmy asked.
"The fruity music bar" Bloom said.
"Oh okay" Tecna said.

"We're here guys" Timmy said.
"Let's go Roy" Aisha said.
"Wow its so beautiful" Flora said.
"I know right" Bloom said.
"So this is the place you went to when you didn't know you were a fairy" Helia said.
"Yup come on" Bloom said walking over to a table.

"Ugh pixies" Said Icy in the shadows.
"Yes, I hate them" Dimmer said.
"Well do we attack?" Stormy asked.
"No not yet, Stormy make a extreme storm" Dimmer smirked.
"Um..okay, but why?" Stormy asked.
"Ugh so the Winx have to transform then the real fun will begin" Laughed Dimmer.
Stormy nodded, "Death Storm come to my command destroy and kill anyone who gets in your wrath!" Stormy yelled.
The blue sky's clouds turned gray and swirled and the wind howled.
"Hey guys what's going on with the weather!" Stella asked.
The Winx and boys ran out to see lighting strike on the ground.
"This is not normal here at gardenia!" Bloom yelled.
"It must be magic then!" Brandon shouted.
"Winx look!" Tecna said as the wind howled and created a tornado that touched down.
"Lets get busy!" The Winx yelled.

The Winx flew into the air.
"How do we stop it!" Yelled Musa.
"The people guys look!" Flora yelled the Winx looked to see people running in fright.
"Don't worry the Winx are here!" Stella yelled.
"How do we stop it?" Shouted Aisha.
"I don't know!" Bloom yelled.
"Convergence!" Flora yelled.
"Alright Winx hold hands!" Bloom yelled.
"Winx!" The Winx yelled.
A huge ball of light flew to the tornado and hit it, but it just bounced off and flew to the bar.
"Oh no!" Bloom yelled to see a little girl, Bloom flew down to her, but right when she got to her the spell hit Bloom.
Bloom fell to the ground and grunted.
"Bloom!" Sky yelled and ran to her to see her shinning.

Bloom rose up into the air and looked different.
"What? No this is impossible!" Dimmer yelled in the shadows.
"What is why does Bloom look like that?" Darcy asked.
"That's butterflix! Bloom has all of her true dragon flame and is power of Domino now! She's much stronger now!" Dimmer yelled.
"Flame butterfly's!"Bloom yelled and butterfly's that were red and orange flew around the tornado and a BOOM happened and it was gone.
The Winx flew down.
"What?" Flora asked.
"I don't know I just saw that girl in trouble then the spell hit me and I felt this powerful energy and it feels like Domino's energy" Bloom said.
"I never seen a fairy transformation like this before?" Sky said.
"Your wings look like butterfly wings, but pink" Riven said.
"Lets go ask Miss.Fargonda" Musa said and they untransformed.
Then Stella made a portal to Alfa.

Miss.Fargonda was looking through papers when a portal appeared and out stepped the Winx and boys.
"Winx" Miss.F said.
"Miss.F something weird happened on earth" Bloom said.
"What happened?" Miss.F said standing up.
"There was a storm out of nowhere and we did a convergence it bounced off it then I went to protect a girl from it when I transformed in this butterfly fairy" Bloom said.
Miss.F looked out her window.
"Bloom that is butterflix" Miss.F said.
"What is it?" Tecna asked.
"A very ancient fairy form, Bloom you saved someone and you've connected to your kingdom, Domino, but a fairy only gets it when a threat is near" Miss.F said.
"You all will get it" Miss.F said.
"Really?" Stella said.
Miss.F nodded.
"Wow well there must be a new evil" Musa said.
"Yes there must be" Flora said.
The Winx and boys walked to their room.
"I wonder who it is?" Bloom asked.

"Oh dear sweet Bloom you'll know soon I promise now, and I will get all the six gems" Dimmer laughed looking at Bloom through a magic ball.

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