Noora's Seeing Someone

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quick AN: i'm not really sure if I ship Joora but i definitely don't like William & I didn't really know where else to go with this oneshot. enjoy :)

Of course she was late. She was always late. But Noora didn't mind. The coffee shop was warm and quiet except for the cling-clang of utensils in the kitchen. She had ordered her vanilla latte and waited at a table in the back corner.  There was a book case that reached up to the ceiling to her left. She scanned the row at eye-level and took a deep breath. The smell of coffee filled her nose and she smiled. She wasn't a big fan of coffee, but Eva was. She took a sip of her vanilla latte and regretted getting it. She had wanted chocolate milk, but it wasn't on the menu. There was no one behind the counter. Sliding out of her chair, she grabbed her wallet and headed to the counter. She looked around and placed her hands on the cold marble. "Hello?" She said. A tall boy shuffled out and muttered a couple sorry's under his breathe. It wasn't the same barista she has ordered from earlier. Noora smiled as he fixed his apron and clicked a few buttons on the register.
"What can I get you?" He asked.
"Do you guys have chocolate milk?" She asked slowly.
"Um...I can do that," He said.
"Really?!" Noora smiled. He nodded and punched a few keys. "How much?" She asked, opening her wallet.
"...Four dollars and thirty-six scents." Noora dug into her wallet and pulled out a five.
"Uh...just keep the change, first days are stressful." Noora smiled and heard him sigh with relief as she walked back to her table. Two minutes later, a different barista brought her chocolate milk. And five minutes after that, Eva came bursting through the door. She entered like a hurricane. Loud and clumsy but smiley like always, she rushed to Noora.
"I'm soooo sorry, Nor." She hung her purse on the chair and sat down. "The time just got away from me; homework, Chris, cleaning, blah blah blah. No excuses. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay. It really is, Eva. I've just been chilling. Met a nervous barista." Noora chuckled.
"Well, I'm gonna go order, and then we can chat." She winked, stood up, and walked over to the counter. Noora's phone went off and she pulled it out of her pocket. Nothing exciting; just an Instagram post from Beyoncé. Eva was back in a minute.
"I think I got the same nervous barista," she laughed. "First day, probably." Noora nodded.
"Yeah!" She laughed with Eva. The laughs soon stopped and they sat in the silence for a moment.
"So how are you?" Eva asked.
"Good...okay..." Noora shrugged.
"That's good. I'm pretty great, actually." Eva nodded and Noora smiled.
"Glad to hear that. I feel like we haven't just sat and talked in a while." Noora frowned.
"Me too! It's so sad. I love me some Noora."
"And I love me some Eva." They both laughed.
"Are you ready for the mock exam next week?! I'm totally stressing!"
"Not at all." Noora shook her head. "But I'm not that worried, to be honest."
"Of course you aren't! Smarts just come naturally to you!" Noora gave her a sarcastic look and Eva rolled her eyes. "They do. You were just born wicked-smart. And i was born an idiot."
"No you weren't! You're incredibly smart, Eva!"
"Whatever." Eva said. Noora smiled silently at her as checked her phone. "Anyway, how the hell are you? Oh I already asked that. What's going on?"
"Um...not much. I've been seeing someone...kind of." A blush crept up Noora's neck as Eva's eyes widened.
"Really?! Oh my gosh, who?!"
"I...Jonas," Noora whispered under her breath. Eva furrowed her eyebrows.
"I'm sorry?" Eva leaned forward a little bit. Noora took a deep breath.
"Jonas. I'm seeing Jonas." Noora grimaced and Eva's eyes lit up.
"No way! Fucking hell, no way!" Eva laughed.
"You're not mad?"
"Of course not! You guys will be great together. We didn't work, but guys are gonna be great." Eva nodded. Noora felt a weight lift from her shoulders.
"Awh, it's so nice to hear that. Wow, thank you."
Eva laughed again.
"Do you guys just talk about politics all day long? Does talking about capitalism and racism turn you on? I'm pretty sure it turns him on. He must be constantly horny." They both leaned over and laughed and Noora had never felt so relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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