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I walk to my bus stop, like I do every day and as always my creepy stalker is there, "do we have math today?" I would ask but today I just look Down and keep walking she walks up to me and I'm not surprised of course "HEY!"  She would say trying to grab my attention "hey..." I say walking still. I think she is noticing that I'm not giving her eye contact on purpose.

I get on the bus and of course Amelia is trying to brag on about her art. She is good at it but complains about it... What a show off, I just nod and try to smile, she sits back on her seat and we grab out our earphones atleast I have mine "Damn it I left it at school again! I have to sit here and do nothing for the whole fucking bus ride!" I look at her and pretend to laugh, like I always do.

Like usual max is purposely trying to annoy me so I kick him and chase him into his school. I chase him into the car parks than he runs inside so I cross the road and go to the library at my school and yes I know the school across the road is across from my school and even their school is all boys and mine is all girls.

I get to the library and my friend is pissed at me but it's not a surprise she finds the smallest things the end of the world, so I walk off and my stalker follows and I sit down in a aisle next to the computers, "are you ok?" Amber says to me kind of concerned but also frustrated, "yeah, I just um, I'm just tired." She looks at me and nods.

The bell goes and we go to our lockers, "we have math first period and science third period today" Amber says smiling, "eh, that sucks, I'm terrible at both of them!" I try to make it seem like I don't give a fuck but she clearly doesn't get it. "I will be right back just wait at your locker, also don't forget your text book again you don't want to get another detention!" She says trying to sound cool, I just look at her and shake my head.

A/N This has not been edited yet. Hope you enjoy the first chapter also every chapter comes out every week (if I can because I have to go to high school)

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