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We got back to the school and I remembered that I had Chem, my least favorite class. I walked the several flights of stairs to the classroom and trudged my way into the room. "You ok there, Mr. Kook?" My Chem teacher, Mrs. Kate, only calls me Kook because she can't seem to pronounce my actual name. "I'm fine, just tired is all," I state making my way up to my seat. "How'd your lunch break with Megan go?" Tae asked sitting next to me.

I completely forgot that we had Chem together. "It went...ok?" I looked at him and he looked kinda angry but then again when doesn't he. "Did you make her mad again?" He asked leaning closer to me. "What?! Ani ani...at least I don't think I did," I widened my eyes at the possibility of me actually making her mad but calmed down because I was pretty sure I didn't.

M: what are you guys doing in chem?

Me: we havent really started class yet

M: really? Ms. Carla already started class like ten minutes ago. I was apparently late.

"Mr. Kook! If I could please have your attention," Mrs. Kate yelled and made me almost drop my phone. "S-sorry!" I slouched down into my set to try and make myself less noticeable.

"Damn dude, you seem to be really distracted today," Tae whispered. I hit him a couple times to make him shut up. "Of course I'm distracted," I mumble pulling my shirt over my mouth. "You've gotta get her off your mind dude. Go to a party, meet someone new," I glanced sideways at him then at the board. I wrote down a few formulas before giving up.

"Really, there's a party going on not too far from here, why don't you go?" He nudged me and I glared at him. "Really? I'm not the partying type," I scribble on my paper. "What if I went with you?" He turned to face me and I looked around the room. Everyone was taking notes and paying attention and here I was worrying about going to some stupid frat party.

"Dude I don't know. I might just ask Megan to help me study," I say sitting up, this time to try and actually focus on the lesson. "Oh yeah, Jungkook the infamous note taker. Got it," He shook his head, turned away and started taking his own notes.

"Ok class, we'll be watching a small video on these here chemical reactions, please pay close attention. You don't have to take notes for this," Mrs. Kate put on a short video and I laid my head on the table. I never realized how much I related to half these chemicals. One little mistake and BAM there goes my entire life.

A hazardous waste indeed.

Class was finally over and I exited the room faster than I normally do, making it half way to my next class before the mob of people hit the halls. I slipped into my psychology class only to find Mr. Dupree alone.

"Are we not having Psychology today?" I asked walking over to his desk. "Happy to say, no we are not." "Does that mean I have a free hour?" I asked getting all excited. "It means you can take the rest of the day off, your dance teacher and art teacher are both gone today. Was told during a staff meeting."

I jumped for joy before running out of his room. I headed straight to my dorm where I knew Taehyung wouldn't be because he had a class this hour.

"Jungkook?" I heard Megan's voice as I ran past the office. I looked behind me but for some reason I didn't stop and ran right into a wall. "Jungkook!" She yelled and ran over to me, "Are you ok?" She knelt by me and I laid on the floor. I really am dumb. "Yeah, my head hurts though," I look up at her and she's half smiling. "Oh Jungkook, you stupid pabo," She laughs and helps me to my feet. "Why didn't you stop running?" She asked brushing me off.

"I don't have a good enough excuse at the moment," I say shyly. "Here lets get you into the nurses office." We walked a ways to the nurses office where the nurse examined me to see if I had any wounds. "Everything looks fine. Everything but your brain," Megan said tapping my forehead. "Yeah I'm pretty sure I lost it a couple years ago," I smile. "I doubt you were even born with one," She laughed and we walked out.

"Ok that was uncalled for." "Ani, it wasn't. It was perfectly necessary." She pushed me to one side and I did the same to her. "Why aren't you in class?" She got closer to me so I wrapped an arm around hers. "Mr. Dupree didn't really give me a reason as to why I didn't have Psychology but that I had the rest of the day off due to both my art and dance teachers being gone," I explained. "Oh! Wanna hang out with me for a while?" I looked down at her, she was already looking at me. "Yeah, I'd like that."

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