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Ye are not wise to keep the sword from me, for you shall slay with it the best friend that ye have, and the sword shall be your destruction

                                    Thomas Malory, Le Morte D’Arthur


My poor husband is unwell, though these tales seem to ease his pains. Each night I read him a section from one of Drift of the Lake’s books of the war, or one of the stories I have gathered and am writing down here.

My second tale is of a boy and a girl who were still living at the time we May-children were stolen from our homes. This story takes place during the first year of our phoney war, when Mordred and the others were trying to spread the word of the drowned May-children, of what Merlin and king Arthur tried to do to us; the days before our rebellion truly began.

Three of the May-children met Balin and Columbine; they appear in these pages. I heard different parts of this tale from those who were there. This is the first time the whole story of these wild children of the north has been told.

My second story begins in the dungeons of Camelot, with a boy frustrated in his mission of revenge.

Balin and Columbine (A Children of the May Novella - Book 1.5b)Where stories live. Discover now