Pie vs cheese cake.

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"Look, Dean i see where your coming from but your wrong!"
"No Y/N, I'm right about this one!"
Sam walked in on what he thought was you and Dean having a very serious argument, and just as he was about to step in and break it up he heard got light of what you were actually arguing about.
"No Dean, yes pie is good, but cheese cake is better!"
"No its not Y/N, next you will try telling me pizza is better than burgers!"
"It is!"
You and dean are interrupted by someone stood in the door way laughing.
"This isn't funny sam, Y/N thinks that cheese cake is better than pie and pizza is better than burgers!" Dean shout at sam but sam just keeps laughing.
"Dean i have to say, as much as i know you love pie and i like the occasional burger, i have to agree with Y/N on this one." He says smirking, knowing that siding with you will make spark deans passion for his argument even more.
"See dean i was right!"
"I give up with you people, I'm of to go get some pie and make some burgers" he says chuckles to him self as he starts walking away.
You cant help but giggle your self its fun living with the guys, having little joke arguments like this is something you've always done with dean.
"So sam shall we go pick up a pizza and get a cheese cake?"
"Sound like a plan" Sam agreeing with you again.

I thought of this the other day and i thought it would be funny. 

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