How do you know them

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I dont own anybody :(

[Reyna has changed her name to Misty]

[Scarlett storm has changed her name to Ruby]

[Serpent has changed his name to Loki]

[Chris Hemsworth ftw has changed his name to Thor]

Misty-Ruby can you please explain to me how you know the avengers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ruby -.....................

Loki - I think you broke Ruby

Ruby - really looking I'm not broken and misty do you remember that time he had the flu

Misty - yessssss * motions for Ruby to go on*

Ruby - weeeel I kind of figured out a universal tunnel like pathway to get to alternate universes and one of them just happen to be Asgard

Thor- that's where she met us

Ruby - yes for the Thor thats where i met you now stop interrupting

Ruby - anyway one midguardian minute is equivalent to one asgardian day

Misty - so how long were you there

Ruby - 10 years. *hides behind loki dont kill me*

ANGRY MISTY- TENN YEARSSS AND YOU NEVER THOUGHT TO MENTION THIS TO ME NOT ONCE!!!!!!!!!! >:[ some #%^*^%#%^+++%#€++*>?~~,,,>!€€%< good sister you are

Ruby -*throghs bucket of water on Misty.*

Misty - okay I'm cool im cool

Misty - tell me everything that happened

Ruby-okay here goes it was about a year ago you had the flu and I was really bored so I was tampering around with magic and you know stuff and so I open the portal and it's all cosmic red blue and then I was like hey let me step in so I walk through the portal and then there are like three pasage ways i go through the middle one and end up in Asgard. So now I'm wondering through Asgard and then I see this big cool hammer thing so i pick it up in a throw it at some random guy because I dont know he look suspicious i guess.


Ruby - yes now don't inturrupt.

Ruby - so I ran over to investigate it turned that he was innocent (mostly) he said his name was Loki and then for some reason he asked me if I wanted to join his army and I'm like NO and so basically what happened was I knocked him out and brought him back to the palace thing.

Loki - that really hurt by the way

Ruby - after that Odin asked me if i wanted to stick around to keep loki in check so i said sure after that me Thor and Loki became best friends.


Misty - wow that really wow....

A/N just in case you were wondering

Ruby can fly has tk and fire powers

Misty can control water weater and ice

Libby controls nature


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