Disney and surprises

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All im gonna say is omg my IRON TEARS FEELS

[back at avengers tower]

[the avengers have entered]

[ruby, misty, and libby have entered]

[dark moon has entered]

[loki has entered]

Luna- wow that was some vacation

Pia- ill say

Ruby- you boyfriend theif i thought we sent all of you back to your own dimersions

Pia- darm it i got caught

[pia has disapparated]

Libby- she can apparate how come i cant apparate? :(

Nat- welp its girls night so we outie bai

Misty- bai

Ruby- bai

Libby- bai

Luna- bai

Clint- bai

[Nat, Misty and Ruby, Libby, Luna, and clint have gone to a seprate chat]

Loki- did clint just go to girls night?

Adrian- yes yes he did

Steve- ok plan cobra is in action bruce go make sure misty stays online

Bruce- got it

[bruce has left]

Steve- adrian and loki go set up the music its her favorite song so you better get it right

Adrian- do i have to

Loki- yes come on shadow boy

Adrian- *grumbles*

[adrian has been dragged from the chat by loki]

Steve- thor sit there and look pretty

Thor-thats my specialty

[thor has left]

Tony- steve idk if i can do this maybey we should cancel

Steve- *slaps tony* no *another slap* get your self together man *repeadidly slaps tonys face*

Tony- ur right incan do tis

Steve- ok ill invite her on

[steve has invited the girls and guys back]

Libby- what is it steve we r watching thor the dark world

Ruby- loki u just died :p

Tony- umm... Misty?

Misty- yeah tony

Tony- just sing wif me ok?


Tony- ive been searching my whole life to find my own place

And mabey its the party or the chocolate fondue

Steve- WHAT?!?!

Misty- but with yooouuu

Tony- but with youuuu

Ive got my place

Misty- i see your face

Misty+ Tony- and its nothing like ive ever known before

Love is an open doooooooOOOooooor

Love is an open doooooooOOOooooor

Love is and open door

Misty- with you

Tony- with you


Tony- WITH


Misty- love is an open doooooooooooorr

Tony- i mean its crazy

Misty- what?!

Tony- we finish each others-

Misty- sand wiches

Tony- thats what i was gonna say

Misty+ Tony- ive never met someone who thinks so much like me jinx jinx again

Our mental syncronization can have but 1 explanation

Misty- you

Tony- and i

Misty- were just meant to be

Say goodbye

Tony- say goodbye

Misty+ Tony- to the pain of the past

We dont have to feel it anymore

Love is an open dooooorrr

Love is an open doooooooorr

Misty- life can be so much more

With you

Tony- with you

Misty- with you

Tony- with you

Misty+ Tony- love is an open dooooooor

Misty- ddddoooOOOooor

Tony- can i say something crazy *pulls out ring box* will you marry me

Misty- OF COURSE YOU JERK *kisses tony*

Steve, Bruce, thor, Loki, Clint, Luna, Libby, and Nat-awwwwwww

Adrian- i dont do feelings

Ruby- OMG MY OTP IS REAL!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDD

A/N iron tears is truly the best ship evr right along wif roki, and stibby and OMG DISNEY PREPOSAL!!!!! Dat is just awesome dat is

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