Chapter 17

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   An older women sat at the front desk, she looked to be in her late 40's with a bright expression. "What and who are we looking to get done?" She asked with a smile looking between us both. I raised my hand lamely.

    "I'm getting a couple of tattoos, he's just my friend." I told her smiling. "Well, have a seat and an artist will be right with you." I nodded and Ash and I took a seat.

     "You're really not gonna tell me what your getting?" Ash said, looking at me. I chuckled patting his knee. "You'll see in a bit when the tattoo artist comes out." Ash sighed and I grinned at him.

     Five minutes later a man came out on a black v-neck and blue jeans. He had a full sleeve on his left arm and a few tats on his right. He had dark brown hair to just below his ears and green eyes. He smiled at us. "Hi, Im going to be your tattoo artist. My name is Ryan." He said as we stood, holding his hand out.

  I stepped forward and shook it. "Im Scar, the person you'll be tattooing and this is Ash, my-" "boyfriend." Ashley interrupted. I turned. shocked, glaring at him. We'd have to talk about that. Ryan only nodded.

    "Follow me." He said waving his hand. "Boyfriend?" I whispered angrily when Ryan was a few steps ahead. "What? He was looking at you like you were a piece of meat! Just go with it please." He whispered back, looking at me with a pouted lip.

     I sighed grabbing his hand and nodding. He grinned at me and winked, I glared. "You're seeing things Ashley." He shook his head. "I made a promise to Jace and Im not taking any chances." I chuckled at him and smiled back.

     An hour later and we were on the last tattoo I was getting. On one hip it was going to say 'Darlin you'll' and the other would say 'be okay' in cursive. I pulled up my shirt and Ash gasped.

      "You have a belly button ring?!" He exclaimed. I laughed nodding. The tattoo artist was just grinning at us. "How long?" Ash asked. "Since I was 18. That and my lip ring." I told him grinning as the tattoo artist began his work.

     I had gotten a black rose with red trim and small a chain attached to one of the petals. The chain wrapped around the stem loosely a couple of times before hanging down freely on my left breast. (My own design.) I had 'Never give in, Never back down' on my left wrist in calligraphic writing. Ash loved that one, but for the rest of the tats I wanted to get, I decided I would wait.

   "Can I pick out a lip and belly button ring for you please?" I looked at Ash and he had a pouted lip. I nodded, grinning at him and he took off. I smiled down at my ink, the black looking great in contrast with my extremely lightly tanned ivory skin and I loved it.

     "You guys are a great couple."  Ryan said glancing up at me. "You remind me of my boyfriend and I. How long have you been together now?" He asked and I had to stop myself from laughing. Oh I was going to bug Ashley about this.

    "Only a few months now, how about you and yours?" I asked. Ryan grinned as he finished up his work. "Four blissful years, I'm going to propose this weekend to him." His eyes lit up when he spoke.

     "Best of luck to you. I'm positive he'll say yes, you're too sweet to say no to." I gushed as he began coating my tattoos. "Thanks hun, your a great girl yourself. Just wait till cowboy there proposes; you'll be as giddy as I am." I almost lost it at that, I mean come on, marriage? I can't wait to tell Ash and Andy about this, hell I might even call Jace.

     "Well, lets get you rung up." I nodded and Ashley ran in, several pieces of jewelry in hand. I sighed as I glanced at them. They were all lovely, especially the 'save a horse, ride a cowboy' belly button ring. I had a feeling Ash was going to put up a fight on whose pocket they belonged to.

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